Aline caught on topless...

I am pretending to shy!What part of Models does not have like a common fellas ? SHYNESS ! As on their daily routine jobs, naked is a part of their jobs, so if there is a model shy when she caught on nude, it means shy is not part of their nerves and...
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Picking urban blueberries

I just picked a pint or two of blueberries from my tiny blueberry bush that sits on the square yard or two of land in the front.Last year the bush took a break--not one berry. This year it's making up for it.There are a lot of calories in the berries...
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Nattering on numbers

While were nattering on about numbers....Calculus serves scientists well, and I am not advocating that we junk it in high school entirely, but Dr. Arthur Benjamin, a mathemetician, makes a succinct and compelling argument here for making statistics,...
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Numbers don't kill careers, people do.

This is the second part of a longer piece discussing the particulars of the Obama/Duncan Race to the Top, a scheme developed by powerful people who deign to help your child to "outcompete any worker in the world." Funding depends on metrics, determining...
READ MORE - Numbers don't kill careers, people do.

Butcher, Baker or Candlestick Maker

This is the first part of a longer piece discussing the particulars of the Obama/Duncan Race to the Top, a scheme developed by powerful people who deign to help your child to "outcompete any worker in the world."I live and teach in Bloomfield, New Jersey....
READ MORE - Butcher, Baker or Candlestick Maker


HALAMAN MOTTO :Janganlah kamu terjerumus kedalam api keputus-asaan karena dengan putus asa lah manusia tidak akan berhasil dalam menjalani hidupKATA PENGANTARAssalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.Syukur Alhamdulillah kami ucapkan kehadirat Allah SWT. Atas limpahan...


KATA PENGANTARPuji syukur kami panjatkan kehadirat Allah SWT yang mana telah memberi kita taufiq dan hidayah-Nya sehingga kami dapat menyusun makalah sosiologi yang berjudul “PENGETAHUAN DAN JENIS-JENIS NARKOBA SERTA DAMPAKNYA”. Sholawat serta salam...

Karya Ilmiah dan Non Ilmiah

Karya Ilmiah dan Non Ilmiah1. Karya IlmiahKarya ilmiah adalah tulisan yang berisi argumentasi penalaran keilmuan yang dikomunikasikan lewat bahasa tulis yang formal dengan sistematis-metodis dan menyajikan fakta umu8m serta ditulis menurut metedologi...
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Ejaan Bahasa Indonesia Yang di Sempurnakan

Ejaan Bahasa Indonesia Yang di SempurnakanEjaan adalah keseleruhuan peraturan bagaimana bagaimana melambangkan bunyi ujaran dan bagaimana hubungan antar lambing-lambang itu ( pemisahan dan penggabungannya dalam suatu bahasa). Secara teknis, yang dimaksud...
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On anthropomorphizing

In Galway Bay, nestled on the west coast of Ireland, lives Fungi, a lone male dolphin who seeks the company of humans, as he has for over a quarter century now. He's a tourist attraction, and an enigma. No one knows why he sticks around—perhaps he was...
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Ririn Dwi Aryanti, pasrah pose !

these are my beautiful legs!So what will you do guys if Ririn offers you kind of her magnificent hot legs ?Click here to get Other Ririn Dwi Aryanti FRESH HOT PICTURES to your inbox...
READ MORE - Ririn Dwi Aryanti, pasrah pose !

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