Young children, 2 to 5 years old, spend over 3 1/2 hours a day
in front of televisions.
in front of televisions.
Preschool children need about 12 hours of sleep a day, so figure a healthy child has about 12 hours a day to earn about ants, water, people, and play.
30% of their awake time is spent in front of a television. Throw in the other video devices (DVRs, DVDs, game consoles, etc.) and you're edging up to 40%.
This, of course, is obscene.
But I watch with my child....
Yep, I don't doubt it--why not try watching your child, instead.
But it's educational....
Yep, if you want to make a babbling empty box out of him, an empty box that will swallow dogma and buy lots of shoes.
But I need my free time....
Yep, and you'll get it when the kids hit school, which seems to be the major reason for public school in many parents' eyes.
But it's PBS....
Yep, drop the "P" and you're closer to the truth.
But it quiets down my noisy toddler....
Yep, another drowned voice keeps her safe from that democratic lifestyle.
But it's a dangerous world outside.
Yep, but far less dangerous than the sheltered world we've made for our children. Diabetes will kill your child long before the bogeyman has a chance.
Turn it off.
Photo by Leslie, taken last evening on the Delaware Bay.
Some large mammals with big teeth were nearby, but we survived anyway.
Family around TV via cerritos.edu, listed as public domain.
Source of television stats: NielsonWire. That and some basic arithmetic.