Peralatan Pengaman Pada Trafo

A. Relay BucholzRelay Bucholz adalah relai yang berfungsi mendeteksi dan mengamankan terhadap gangguan transformator yang menimbulkan gas.Timbulnya gas dapat diakibatkan oleh beberapa hal, diantaranya adalah:• Hubung singkat antar lilitan pada atau dalam...
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Are Student Loans Worth the Cost?

Aside from financial aid that colleges offer, there are also students loans that you can turn to in case you are in dire financial needs. Like any other type of loan, a student loan comes with interest rates attached to it. Many schools actually...
READ MORE - Are Student Loans Worth the Cost?

An afternoon on the dredge spoils

It's silly season--a pope getting beatified, royalty getting married. We need costumes for these, lots of costumes. And music! And, oh, isn't it all so grand!And under the Delaware Bay stir the ancient longings of ancient critters, crawling up from the...
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Transformator (Trafo)

Transformator atau transformer atau trafo adalah suatu peralatan elektromagnet yang dapat mengubah nilai  suatu tegangan AC ke nilai yang lain. Prinsip kerja dari sebuah transformator adalah sebagai berikut. Ketika Kumparan primer dihubungkan dengan...
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Perennial projects

At the start of the school year, back when the sunlight was fading and squirrels were fattening up, each student picked a tree to watch. Call it phenology, call it botany, call it whatever you want, but it's really just observing, and few of us do that...
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Best universities and colleges for business in Sri Lanka

Best university, colleges, schools and institutes. Top 10 and 20 university. These are the best colleges offering good degree courses and programs. These are best university list. Top colleges and best schools. Top university ranking. Leading university...
READ MORE - Best universities and colleges for business in Sri Lanka

Cargo! The Quest for Gravity (2011/ENG)

LicenseLanguage Publisher Support GameGenreDeveloper Date ReleasedSizeCreated By : Free: English: bitComposer Games: PC : Arcade / 3D / 3rd Person : Ice-Pick Lodge: 2011: 884 MB: Syarief Hidayat --------------------------------------------------------Download...
READ MORE - Cargo! The Quest for Gravity (2011/ENG)


var numposts = 100;var showpostthumbnails = true;var displaymore = true;var displayseparator = false;var showcommentnum = true;var showpostdate = false;var showpostsummary = true;var numchars = 100;...

Shaun White Snowboarding

LicenseLanguage Publisher Support GameGenreDeveloper Date ReleasedSizeCreated By : Free: English: Ubisoft Entertainment: PC Game: Sprt (Wntr sprts/Extrm sprts)/3D: Ubisoft Entertainment : 2008: 2.82 GB: Syarief Hidayat Download files : Part 1...
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Student Loan Consolidation – Lower Your Payments

Often times it makes good economic sense to consolidate your all of your student loans upon graduating. Each of the loans that you applied for and received each year or semester of school is considered a separate loan. The average student graduating...
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Allora and The Broken Portal (Final)

License : FreeDate Released : 2011Language : English Publisher : Big Fish GamesSupport game : PCGenre : Hidden ObjectSize : 316 MBDownload file [316 MB] | FilesonicDownload file [316 MB] | FileserveSeorang penyihir kuat telah tersedot ke portal dan...
READ MORE - Allora and The Broken Portal (Final)

Philly 2111-- April 29th

READ MORE - Philly 2111-- April 29th

Student Loans Consolidations - What Is The Best Company For You?

CLICK HERE for the best info on Student Loans Consolidations Student Loan Consolidations Many students have benefited from financial aid.One form of this help is student loans. A student can have more then one loan with different lenders. Having more...
READ MORE - Student Loans Consolidations - What Is The Best Company For You?

Letting Students Redo their Work Until it's Right

One thing that I am in favor of is letting students correct their mistakes. English teachers do this when they allow students to write a draft, review it with the teacher and have someone edit it, and then fix it. This is also what happens in many jobs....
READ MORE - Letting Students Redo their Work Until it's Right

Free Video Format Conversion Software (3 of them)

Earlier today I posted about VLC Media Player, which can play, and convert, most video and audio formats. Sometimes you just want a simple video conversion software to convert video formats so that you can play the video on different devices and systems...
READ MORE - Free Video Format Conversion Software (3 of them)

VLC - Awesome free video and audio player (and converter)

Video is an important part of life and education. We use videos in class for a variety of reasons. Videos come in many different formats too. It's no fun to need to have 3 or 4 different video players (Windows Media Player, Real, Quicktime) to play them...
READ MORE - VLC - Awesome free video and audio player (and converter)

End of the school year approaches - lesson ideas and reflection

We are quickly approaching the end of the school year. Advanced Placement Exams start next week, effectively the end of AP classes (although I do a lot of projects with my AP students after their exam). The student's last day of school is June 21st and...
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Empty Lot(s) of the Week-- April 28

The CCCC Tunnel Mega-LotFrom the Corner of N. 9th and Filbert going north through the middle of the 800 blocks of Arch, Cherry, Race, and Vine Streets.So big only an aerial view can show it all. Holy shit.             ...
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Why Didn't Astrive or Monticello Tell you This About your Student Loan!

Right now, college-bound students in Florida (where I live) and across the country are getting bombarded with ads for student loans from companies such as Monticello and Astrive: "$40,000 in Two Days!" "Better Rates if Your Parents Co-Sign!"This coincides,...
READ MORE - Why Didn't Astrive or Monticello Tell you This About your Student Loan!

Google Accessibility - resources to make Google products accessible to those with disabilities

Google Accessibility is Google's site that explains the accessibility resources that Google has for both users and developers and publishers.There is a whole section on using the accessibility features for many Google products. Android Phones, Chrome...
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Ways to Deal With the Disastrous Consequences of Defaulted Student Loan

Student loans are good aid for several students who are incapable to pay their college or tuition fees. These effective assistance can turn out to be a burden in future specially once the student completes his/her graduation and get job. The consequences...
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If I were a curriculum or edtech administrator, I would...

Recently, Teach Paperless had a blog post asking readers to finish the statement, "If I were an administrator, I would...". I replied with "encourage teacher collaboration, support teachers in every way possible, encourage projects and team work,...
READ MORE - If I were a curriculum or edtech administrator, I would...

Flipped Classroom - what it is and my reservations of it

"Flipped Classroom" is a relatively new idea, where the teacher works with students on projects and what would be typically homework instead of a lecture and the students get the "lecture" at home, usually through a video (like from Kahn Academy). The...
READ MORE - Flipped Classroom - what it is and my reservations of it

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