The qualified candidates of ICET-2011 are informed to attend certificate verification in any one of the Help Line Centers (HLCs) as per the schedule given under. The list of Help Line centres, the distribution of Ranks for each Help Line Centre for Certificate Verification and all other details are placed in the detailed Notification at and candidates are informed to visit this website before they start for Certificate Verification.
Eligibility: Candidates who secured 50% (For OC) and 45% (SC/ST/BC) in aggregate in Degree or its equivalent examination are only eligible for admission. CERTIFICATES TO BE PRODUCED BY ALL CANDIDATES: All original certificates like Degree Marks Memos and Pass Certificate, Intermediate Marks Memo, S.S.C or its equivalent Marks memo, IX to Degree Study Certificate, Income Certificate issued after 01.01.2011 and Caste Certificate issued by competent authority. Certificates to be produced by PH/CAP/ NCC/Sports/Minority
Candidates: PH-Certificate issued by the District Medical Board. Candidates with 40% and above disability are only eligible. CAP- Certificate issued by Zilla Sainik Welfare Officer (In case of Ex-Service men) Identity card and Service Discharge book for verification. Candidates whose parents are native of A.P. are only eligible to be considered under “CAP” Category. NCC & Sports- To produce Original Certificates issued by competent authorities.
Minorities: SSC ‘TC’ containing Minority Status or Certificate from the Head Master. Anglo-Indian: A Certificate issued by Competent Authority of their place of Residence. Fee to be Paid: (At the Time of Certificate Verification):
1. Processing Fee: Rs.600/- (OC/BC), Rs.300/-(SC/ST).
2. Tuition fee to be paid (After Allotment): University: MBA-Rs. 10,000/-, MCA- Rs. 12,500/- , Private & Self Financed (MBA & MCA)-Rs.27000/- per annum. “As per the Govt. Memo.No. 6905-C/ SW.Edn-2/2010-3, dated 12.08.2011 of Social Welfare Department, “The Students belonging to SC/ST/BC/EBC/ DW/MW categories will be considered for Reimbursement of Tuition Fee (RTF) subject to Verification and Eligibility as per the orders of the Government (Whose parental income is up to 1 lakh per annum).
*PH –
(V)-Visually Handicapped,
(H)-Hearing impaired Handicapped,
(O)- Orthopedically handicapped, NCC- National Cadet Cops; Sports- Sports & Games; CAP- Children of Armed forces Personnel.
**For details visit website: http:// and candidates are informed to visit this website before they start for Certificate Verification.
Eligibility: Candidates who secured 50% (For OC) and 45% (SC/ST/BC) in aggregate in Degree or its equivalent examination are only eligible for admission. CERTIFICATES TO BE PRODUCED BY ALL CANDIDATES: All original certificates like Degree Marks Memos and Pass Certificate, Intermediate Marks Memo, S.S.C or its equivalent Marks memo, IX to Degree Study Certificate, Income Certificate issued after 01.01.2011 and Caste Certificate issued by competent authority. Certificates to be produced by PH/CAP/ NCC/Sports/Minority
Candidates: PH-Certificate issued by the District Medical Board. Candidates with 40% and above disability are only eligible. CAP- Certificate issued by Zilla Sainik Welfare Officer (In case of Ex-Service men) Identity card and Service Discharge book for verification. Candidates whose parents are native of A.P. are only eligible to be considered under “CAP” Category. NCC & Sports- To produce Original Certificates issued by competent authorities.
Minorities: SSC ‘TC’ containing Minority Status or Certificate from the Head Master. Anglo-Indian: A Certificate issued by Competent Authority of their place of Residence. Fee to be Paid: (At the Time of Certificate Verification):
1. Processing Fee: Rs.600/- (OC/BC), Rs.300/-(SC/ST).
2. Tuition fee to be paid (After Allotment): University: MBA-Rs. 10,000/-, MCA- Rs. 12,500/- , Private & Self Financed (MBA & MCA)-Rs.27000/- per annum. “As per the Govt. Memo.No. 6905-C/ SW.Edn-2/2010-3, dated 12.08.2011 of Social Welfare Department, “The Students belonging to SC/ST/BC/EBC/ DW/MW categories will be considered for Reimbursement of Tuition Fee (RTF) subject to Verification and Eligibility as per the orders of the Government (Whose parental income is up to 1 lakh per annum).
*PH –
(V)-Visually Handicapped,
(H)-Hearing impaired Handicapped,
(O)- Orthopedically handicapped, NCC- National Cadet Cops; Sports- Sports & Games; CAP- Children of Armed forces Personnel.

**For details visit website: http://