
Our neighbor's father died last night after a brief but ravaging illness.The usual laughter rising over the fence has been missing the last few weeks, and I suspect it will be some time before it returns.An earlier thunderstorm cleaned the air, as they...
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My "listen and learn" tour

This is a cheap post, but I want to make sure I'm not missing something.I lifted it from my previous post, a bit ranty even for me.If anyone can show me Arne Duncan, our national Secretary of Education, equating public education with maintaining a functional...
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Preparing for the global cocktail party

As easily as we forget how little we know, we're even better at forgetting what children don't know.Imagine a child who spends her life at cocktail parties. Her mother carries her on her hip the first few months, pushes her in a special party stroller...
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Leo Tolstoy and kidthings

Enough D.C. for a bit--we can wish and wish and wishand click our shiny red slippersover and over and over again,but in 2001 pod people took overthe Federal arm of education,and they're not giving it back.Years ago my daughter dug out a tiny mudhole...
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makalah dampak kebijakan subsidi BBM terhadap pihak swasta

Judul : makalah dampak kebijakan subsidi BBM terhadap pihak swastaDaftar Isi : HALAMAN JUDUL, LEMBAR PERSETUJUAN, KATA PENGANTAR, DAFTAR ISI, BAB I PENDAHULUAN, 1.1. Latar Belakang, 1.2. Rumusan Masalah, 1.3. Tujuan dan Manfaat, 1.4. Metode Penulisan,...
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makalah pengaruh krisis ekonomi global terhadap keadaan ekonomi di Indonesia

Judul : makalah pengaruh krisis ekonomi global terhadap keadaan ekonomi di IndonesiaDaftar Isi : HALAMAN JUDUL, HALAMAN MOTTO, LEMBAR PERSETUJUAN, KATA PENGANTAR, DAFTAR ISI, BAB I PENDAHULUAN, a. Latar Belakang, b. Rumusan Masalah, c. Tujuan Dan Manfaat,...
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makalah perkembangan teknologi kimia

Judul : makalah perkembangan teknologi kimiaDaftar Isi : HALAMAN JUDUL, LEMBAR PERSETUJUAN, MOTTO, KATA PENGANTAR, DAFTAR ISI, BAB I PENDAHULUAN, A. Latar Belakang Masalah, B. Rumusan Masalah, C. Tujuan dan Manfaat, D. Metode Penulisan, E. Sistematika...
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makalah pengaruh jenjang pendidikan terhadap perolehan pekerjaan

Judul : makalah pengaruh jenjang pendidikan terhadap perolehan pekerjaanDaftar Isi : HALAMAN JUDUL, LEMBAR PERSETUJUAN, MOTTO, KATA PENGANTAR, DAFTAR ISI, BAB I : PENDAHULUAN, A. Latar Belakang, B. Rumusan Masalah, C. Tujuan dan Manfaat Penelitian, D....
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makalah pengaruh kenaikan BBM terhadap kondisi masyarakat kecil

Judul : makalah pengaruh kenaikan BBM terhadap kondisi masyarakat kecilDaftar Isi : HALAMAN JUDUL, HALAMAN MOTTO, LEMBAR PERSETUJUAN, KATA PENGANTAR, DAFTAR ISI, BAB I : PENDAHULUAN, A. Latar Belakang Masalah, B. Rumusan Masalah, C. Tujuan dan Manfaat...
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makalah sebab timbulnya gelombang tsunami yang mendera masyarakat Aceh

Judul :makalah sebab timbulnya gelombang tsunami yang mendera masyarakat AcehDaftar Isi :HALAMAN JUDUL, LEMBAR PERSETUJUAN, KATA PENGANTAR, DAFTAR ISI, BAB I : PENDAHULUAN, 1.1. Latar Belakang, 1.2. Rumusan Masalah, 1.3. Tujuan dan Manfaat, 1.4. Metode,...
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makalah penyakit demam berdarah dengue dan berbagai macam permasalahannya

Judul : makalah penyakit demam berdarah dengue dan berbagai macam permasalahannyaDaftar Isi : HALAMAN JUDUL, HALAMAN MOTTO, LEMBAR PERSETUJUAN, KATA PENGANTAR, DAFTAR ISI, BAB I : PENDAHULUAN, A. Latar Belakang Masalah, B. Rumusan Masalah, C. Tujuan...
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makalah investasi obligasi dan reksadana

Judul : makalah investasi obligasi dan reksadanaDaftar Isi : HALAMAN JUDUL, KATA PENGANTAR, DAFTAR ISI, BAB I PENDAHULUAN, 1.1. Latar Belakang, 1.2. Rumusan Masalah, BAB II PEMBAHASAN, 2.1. Latar Belakang, 2.1.1. Pengertian Investasi, 2.1.2. Tujuan Bank...
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makalah bahaya narkoba terhadap generasi penerus bangsa

Judul : makalah bahaya narkoba terhadap generasi penerus bangsaDaftar Isi : HALAMAN JUDUL, LEMBAR PERSETUJUAN, MOTTO, KATA PENGANTAR, DAFTAR ISI, BAB I : PENDAHULUAN, A. Latar Belakang, B. Rumusan Masalah, C. Tujuan, D. Manfaat, E. Sistematika Penulisan,...
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makalah peran fisika medik dalam kedokteran nuklir

Judul : makalah peran fisika medik dalam kedokteran nuklirDaftar Isi : HALAMAN JUDUL, MOTTO, LEMBAR PERSETUJUAN, KATA PENGANTAR, DAFTAR ISI, BAB I PENDAHULUAN, A. Latar Belakang, B. Rumusan Masalah, C. Tujuan dan Manfaat, D. Metode Penelitian, E. Sistematika...
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makalah globalisasi

Judul : makalah globalisasiDaftar Isi : KATA PENGANTAR, DAFTAR ISI, BAB I PENDAHULUAN, BAB II PEMBAHASAN, A. Pengertian dan Proses Globalisasi, 1. Pengertian Globalisasi, 2. Proses Globalisasi, B. Pengaruh Globalisasi Terhadap Kehidupan Berbangsa dan...
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makalah geografi cuaca dan iklim

READ MORE - makalah geografi cuaca dan iklim

makalah bahaya mengkonsumsi makanan mengandung melamin

Judul : makalah bahaya mengkonsumsi makanan mengandung melaminDaftar Isi : HALAMAN JUDUL, LEMBAR PERSETUJUAN, MOTTO, KATA PENGANTAR, DAFTAR ISI, BAB I PENDAHULUAN, A. Latar Belakang, B. Rumusan Masalah, C. Tujuan dan Manfaat, D. Metode, E. Sistematika...
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Arne light

"Increasing student achievement —- that's what I care about and what I have devoted my life to. We simply have to get better than Canada."Martha KanterUndersecretary of education nomineeI've got nothing against Martha Kanter, but there's another woman...
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Clarifying Clarence

Arne Duncan carries a lot of weight in Washington. He's the education go-to guy. If he were a neighbor ranting about schools at a barbecue, I'd just nod a few times then wander away--he doesn't listen, he makes stuff up, and I'm not sure of his command...
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Section 1905

Go peek at the Federal Department of Education website--try to find the NCLB logo. Try to find the words "No Child Left Behind."Then try to find any changes beyond that.I do think the name 'No Child Left Behind' is absolutely toxic;I think we have to...
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BCL new hairstyle, WOW !

pretty more!she looks happy!Hair is woman crown, it is just match with BCL new hairstyle. With a long and flat hair, and some accent forward, she looks better. More pretty than in short or curl hairstyle !I think we love you more BCL !Click here to get...
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Michael jackson is Dead?

Neverland Ranch Investigators Discover Corpse Of Real Michael ... "Coroners have officially pronounced Michael Jackson dead. From what we can tell, he died between 18 and 20 years ago," forensic investigator Tim Holbrooke said. " ... Forensic...
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Keeping it real...

Creating a culture of science learners hinges on dragging my tadpoles (my students) back into the real (or natural) world. Yes, I'll have the assorted scaly critters in the classroom, but that's not enough--the kids associate critters with the "natural"...
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The Earth revolves around the sun. Most of us have reduced this to an abstract, the calendar. We can know it's June without leaving a windowless room.The Earth spins around its axis. Most of us have reduced this to another abstract, the clock. We can...
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The Great Mystery is just that

It's June.Light life and more light and more life. Little makes sense, but in June the abundance pushes aside the questions.I have tooth marks in my thumb from a fluke. A snake no longer than a ruler tried to strike me a few hours later. A lone bat heralded...
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