What the Professors aren't telling you about that lower-than-expected grade on your paper; eight out of ten times it has nothing to do with the content.
From: Marie RackhamRetired English Teacher
Dear Student,
According to a number of resources, some of which are listed below, the inability to organize thoughts into an academic paper is rampant. In the course of your studies there will be many occasions on which you will be required to write an essay. The ability to create a coherent structure and to ensure a proper flow in your essay will definitely be reflected in the mark you receive. A weak writing style will create obstacles throughout your life. These could range from poor grades in college, to rejections on grad school applications, and poor job evaluations from employers.
From: Marie RackhamRetired English Teacher
Dear Student,
According to a number of resources, some of which are listed below, the inability to organize thoughts into an academic paper is rampant. In the course of your studies there will be many occasions on which you will be required to write an essay. The ability to create a coherent structure and to ensure a proper flow in your essay will definitely be reflected in the mark you receive. A weak writing style will create obstacles throughout your life. These could range from poor grades in college, to rejections on grad school applications, and poor job evaluations from employers.