6 Beasiswa Australia University of New South Wales 2011

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Pelajar Indonesia, UNSW Foundation kembali menawarkan beasiswa ke Australia di universitas University of New South Wales dengan berbagai program dan jurusan. Setidaknya ada 6 bidang yang dapat Anda pilih. Berikut informasi selengkapnya:

UNSW Foundation Scholarships are funded by bequests and UNSW benefactors and are available at various times throughout the year subject to funding availability.

The Wightman Postgraduate Scholarship in Architecture

  • Application period - 01 December 2010 - 18 February 2011
  • Faculty - Built Environment
  • School – Architecture
  • Residency - All
  • Program Level - Postgraduate Research
  • Value - $10,000
  • Tenure - 1 year
  • The Scholarship is established to assist students to undertake Postgraduate study in Architecture in the Faculty of the Built Environment at UNSW. This Scholarship is available to both international and local students. Scholarship recipients must be undertaking full-time Postgraduate study in the Faculty of the Built Environment at UNSW. The Scholarship is open to graduates from UNSW or from any other institution approved by the Dean of the Faculty of the Built Environment – having completed the degree of Bachelor of Architecture (or its equivalent), or a degree in an Architecture related field, as determined by the Dean. The successful applicant must be enrolled within three months of accepting the award and may, with the permission of the Dean, be permitted to undertake up to 20 hours of paid employment in each week. Each applicant will be assessed on the basis of academic merit. The Scholarship recipient may hold another Scholarship or Award with permission of the Graduate Research School. The Scholarship is tenable for one year only. Previous recipients may re-apply. Completed application forms and any supporting documentation should be scanned and emailed (preferably as a single pdf document) to the Graduate Research School onscholarships.grs@unsw.edu.au by the specified closing date.

Adrian Lee Travel Scholarship

  • Application period - 01 December 2010 – 18 February 2011
  • Faculty - Science
  • School – Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences
  • Residency - All
  • Program Level - Postgraduate Research
  • Value - $5,000
  • Tenure - 1 year
  • This Scholarship was established to encourage students undertaking PhD studies at UNSW to undertake a period of overseas study involving collaborative work with overseas universities or other international research institutions. Applicants must have been undertaking full-time study in a PhD program for at least 18 months in the School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Science (BABS), in any of the following three programs; Microbiology and Immunology (program code 1440), Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics (program code 1410) or Biotechnology (program code 1036). The value of the Scholarship is $5,000, payable in one lump sum. The Scholarship is tenable for one year only. Completed application forms and any supporting documentation should be scanned and emailed (preferably as a single pdf document) to the Graduate Research School on scholarships.grs@unsw.edu.au by the specified closing date.

The Beth Yarrow Memorial Award In Medical Science

  • Application period - 01 December 2010 – 18 February 2011
  • Faculty - Medicine
  • School – Medical Sciences/Medicine/Women’s & Children’s Health
  • Residency - All
  • Program Level - Postgraduate Research
  • Value - $10,000
  • Tenure - 1 year
  • The Scholarship is established to support the study and research of cancer, at the Postgraduate level. It is hoped that the Scholarship recipient will make a contribution to the understanding, early detection, treatment and cure of ovarian cancer. Applicants must be proposing to undertake, or be undertaking, full-time Postgraduate Research in the understanding, early detection, treatment and cure of cancer. Applicants will be assessed on the basis of academic merit and on potential to contribute to the understanding, early detection, treatment or cure of cancer. The award recipient may simultaneously hold another scholarship or award such as an Australian Postgraduate Award (APA), International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (IPRS) NHMRC Postgraduate Scholarship or UNSW-funded Postgraduate Research Scholarship. This Scholarship is tenable for one year only. Previous recipients may re-apply.Completed application forms and any supporting documentation should be scanned and emailed (preferably as a single pdf document) to the Graduate Research School on scholarships.grs@unsw.edu.au by the specified closing date.

The Harvey Carey Memorial Scholarship

  • Application period - 01 December 2010 – 18 February 2011
  • Faculty - Medicine
  • School – Medical Sciences/Women’s & Children’s Health/Medicine
  • Residency - All
  • Program Level - Postgraduate Research
  • Value - $4,000
  • Tenure - 1 year
  • The Scholarship is established to encourage students to undertake research in the Faculty of Medicine in either reproductive endocrinology, infertility, hypertension of pregnancy, menstrual disorders, oral contraceptives, menopause, or polycystic ovarian disease/hirsuitism. Selection will be based on academic merit. Applicants must be currently undertaking or proposing to undertake full-time research in the Faculty of Medicine at UNSW. The Scholarship is tenable for one year only. Completed application forms and any supporting documentation should be scanned and emailed (preferably as a single pdf document) to the Graduate Research School onscholarships.grs@unsw.edu.au by the specified closing date.

OVRF-Maki Shiobara Scholarship

  • Application period - 01 December 2010 - 18 February 2011
  • Faculty - Science
  • School – Optometry and Vision Science
  • Residency - All
  • Program Level - Bachelor, Postgraduate Coursework, Postgraduate Research
  • Value - $4,000
  • Tenure - 1 year
  • The Scholarship is established to encourage students to undertake a Bachelor of Optometry, or Postgraduate study through the School of Optometry and Vision Science at UNSW. Applicants must be proposing to undertake, or currently undertaking, full-time study in any year of the Bachelor of Optometry or Postgraduate study in the Vision CRC at UNSW. Selection will be based on academic merit, and reasons for undertaking the current or proposed study. Consideration will also be given to any social and/or economic circumstances which may hinder success at UNSW.Completed application forms and any supporting documentation should be scanned and emailed (preferably as a single pdf document) to the Graduate Research School on scholarships.grs@unsw.edu.au by the specified closing date.

The Louiza Zervos Memorial Scholarship In Paediatrics

  • Application period - 01 December 2010 – 18 February 2011
  • Faculty - Medicine
  • School – Paediatrics
  • Residency - All
  • Program Level - Honours (research) year or Postgraduate Research
  • Value - $2,400
  • Tenure - 1 year
  • The Scholarship has been established to encourage students to undertake Research in Paediatrics in the Faculty of Medicine. Each applicant will be assessed on the basis of academic merit and consideration of any social or economic circumstances which may hinder transition to or continuation at UNSW. The nature and merit of the Postgraduate Research may also form part of the assessment. To be eligible, applicants must be enrolled in an Honours (research) year or a Postgraduate Research Degree in Paediatrics. The tenure of the Scholarship is for one year only. Completed application forms and any supporting documentation should be scanned and emailed (preferably as a single pdf document) to the Graduate Research School on scholarships.grs@unsw.edu.au by the specified closing date.

Application process

Applications for Scholarships outlined below must be submitted on the appropriate Scholarship Application Form. Untuk mengetahui cara mengirimkan lamaran dan mendapatkan formulir pendaftarannya, silahkan menuju website terkait.

student scholarship 20 Jan, 2011

Source: http://beasiswabelajar.com/education/beasiswa-luar-negri/6-beasiswa-australia-university-of-new-south-wales-2011.htm
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