London Business School Deutsche Bank Women’s Scholarship

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MBA Scholarships at London Business School Deutsche Bank provided for Women MBA Students of Any Nationality Including Female Students from Nigeria, Africa and Every Other country.

The Deutsche Bank scholarships will be awarded to MBA and Masters in Finance students in the AMOUNT of £20,000 each. These extremely generous awards are designed to enable talented women with an interest in the finance sector to study at London Business School.
Successful MBA recipients of the scholarship will be fast-tracked to final round summer internship interviews. This scholarships funded by Deutsche Bank and this open for All successful female MBA applicants who have an interest in the financial services industry.

Applicants must be Women MBA students of any nationality including female students from Nigeria, Africa and Every other country.
To be considered for admission to London Business School's MBA Programme, students are required to submit.

Deadline for this MBA scholarship is March 2nd, 2011. Pelajar Indonesia yang tertarik mengirim aplikasi pendaftaran untuk beasiswa London Business School program Deutsche Bank Women's Scholarship ini dapat mengakses situs resminya di sini.

student scholarship 17 Jan, 2011

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