Getting Private apprentice loans after cosigner is absolutely beneficial
The Kids Are All Right!
I'm not going to blow sunshine up your colon, though there was plenty of sun to spare. I am going to focus on the huge positives, then ask the old folk to step back--yes, even you, Ms. Ravitch. We had our turn in the sun.
Teacher Ken wrote a long piece in Daily Kos about how tired he is. He may well be tired, and justifiably so. Time to pass the torch.
I love Jonathan Kozol, but this isn't about what we did decades ago. Jonathan Kozol made an impassioned speech, and I'm going to catch flak for this, but his references to Dr. King came off (to my ears, anyway) a tad patronizing. I understand the temptation--Arne Duncan plays the race card.
(In polite company I hear people say someone's behavior is "bordering on racism." Nope. That's racism. And Arne's words border on racism. I don't get invited to parties often.) Arne has maintained that we are racists for pointing out that zip codes, ahem, do matter. And here we go again, watching powerful pale people trot out various connections. It was much easier when "Some of my friends are black" did not degenerate into the sophisticated code that exists today.
Dr. King was 39 when he was cut down, JFK was 46, Shabazz 39, Bobby Kennedy 42. From my perspective now, they were all young men. The leaders of their time sought advice from the elders, but the younger folks led.
Things may a bit bleak to some of us, but the best speakers aren't resting on their laurels, they're out there fighting the good fight.
Dgital Communication Question Bank for ECE - EC2301
Part A ( 2 Marks)
1. Give the mathematical form of sampling process
2. List out uses of sampling theorem
3. Define instantaneous sampling
4. What is anti alising effect
5. What is PWM
6. List out the types of Quantization
7. Define bandwidth.
8. Transfer 01101001 in to Manchester code
9. What is noise consideration in PCM
10. Define processing gain.
Part B
1. Drive the expression for the sampling process in time domain. (16)
2. What are all the types of sampling technique and explain about any two. (16)
3. a. Explain the generation of PPM and PWM with neat circuit diagram. (8)
b. Explain the quantization process with PCM block diagram. (8)
4. Write brief notes on 1) TDM(8 )
2) FDM (8)
5. Compare DM with ADM and explain linear prediction filter. (16)
Part A ( 2 Marks)
1. Define matched filter
2. What is decision device
3. Draw the block diagram of base band binary data transmission system
4. What is Nyquist channel
5. Draw the frequency and time response of raised cosine spectrum
6. What you mean by correlative level coding
7. Define LMSA
8. What is DFE
9. List out the use of eye patterns
10.Define zero crossing effect
Part B
1. Derive the expression for the matched filter and prove any one property. (16)
2. Prove the effect ISI using necessary block diagram and design. (16)
3. Write brief notes on Nyquist’s criterion for distortion less base band binary transmission. (16)
4. Explain the six array PAL transmission. (16)
5. Why do we adoptive equalizer and design any one type of adoptive equalizer.
Part - A ( 2 Marks)
1. Define FSK
2. Draw the Basic block diagram of FSK
3. Define MFSK
4. Draw the wave form of the MPSK
5. What is MSK
6. Define Non-coherent FSK
7. Differentiate coherent FSK from Non-coherent FSK
8. What do you mean by Probability error.
9. Define Passband transmission.
10 Draw the baseband signal.
Part B
1. Derive the expression for the BPSK technique. (16)
2. Explain the MFSK and derive the pe. (16)
3. Draw the space diagram of MSK and explain about the same. (16)
4. Derive the error probability expression for the MPSK. (16)
5. Compare the all types of Passband transmission. (16)
Part A ( 2 Marks)
1. Define the Channel coding
2. List out the uses of the Channel Coding
3. Differentiate Sourced coding from the Channel coding.
4. Prove any two properties of Block Codes.
5. What is syndrome?
6. Define Code rate.
7. What is BSC?
8. Draw the channel diagram of the BPSK system
9. What is turbo codes
10. Define CRC.
Part B
1. Explain the channel coding technique used in the Block codes. (16)
2. What are all the message vectors can be extracted from the
code vector that was generated by 1+X+X3. (16)
3. Explain the Viterbi algorithm for the detection of any two
message vectors (One Word) from the code vectors that
were generated by (111), (101) and (011). (16)
4. Explain the construction of Block Code and
Explain how error syndrome is calculated. (16)
5. Explain in detail about Orthogonal codes, Biorthogonal codes and
Transorthogonal codes. (16)
Part A ( 2 Marks)
1) What are all the types of SSM
2) What is the use of PN sequence
3) List out the prosperities of PN sequence
4) What is the processing gain of SSM.
5) Define jamming margin
6) Define FHSSM
7) Define SFHSS.
8) Define FFHSM.
9) Draw the PN sequence generator for [6,4,2,1]
10) What you mean by runs in PN sequence
11) State the Gold Theorem.
Part B
1. Generate the PN sequence for [5, 4, 3, 1] and prove the all properties of the same. (16)
2. List out and prove the Properties of the PN sequence. (16)
3. Explain the concept of DS/BPSK. (16)
4. List out the uses of the FH. Explain the FH techniques with the frequency spectrum. (16)
5. Write shorts notes on
1. Probability Error. (4)
2. Jamming Margin (4)
3. (S/N) of the DS System. (8
Alagappa University Project Exam Results for Distance Education 2011 - Check Now
ALAGAPPA UNIVERSITY 2011 Distance Education Project Examination Results has been declared today on 31st July ,Sunday.Students can check their results online from the official website given by the University board.We've included the result page links below,
Get Your Project Exam Results
You have to enter your Register number to get results,simply click on the links given below to get your results,
Official Site: CLICK HERE
Bharathiar University Revaluation Results 2011 - Check Now
Students Bharathiar University recently declared the revaluation results for the students who had applied for Jan/Feb 2011 Exams.Those who have applied for Revaluation of their failure exams can now check their results online from the official links provided by the University.
Get Revaluation Results
You can check the Revaluation Results from the website link we provided below,
Have Query? Post it on comment box below..Share this with your friends..
Samacheer Kalvi Text Books Online - Download Now 10th syllabus and Books
will be provided here are available in the following links.
Tamil Nadu School Education Department has issued the Samacheer Kalvi Textbooks for 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th & 10th standards and available here online at Total nine crore books have been printed for New Academic Year June 2011.
At the TN School Education Department Official Website, pallikalvi 10th books and others are available for free download.
For samacheer kalvi books and syllabus visit at the following link:
click on the below link to Download the Samacheer kalvi Online Books
Have doubts ? Post it on comment box below...
AP Eamcet Web Councelling 2011 Options Entry begins online - Check now
AP Eamcet Gate way to higher educations, web options entry has been made available in the board's official site given below of this page.
Engineering Admissions Online Counselling process begins today ( 31th July 2011) ,sunday.Students exercise web options by visiting Eamcet website the helpline centers after certificate verification. Students from one to 40,000 were called on the first two days from students who registered and attend the certificate verification process. The Certificate verification is go up to 3rd August. Students have the option of attending at any of the 54 helpline centers in the State. Officials said there were neither technical glitches nor other inconvenience to students. Student seeking a clarification on the fee reimbursement issue.
Get more info from the Official site given below:
Students after attending the verification can choose their choice of course and college through the web counselling in Candidates are being explained the process of web counselling through video demonstrations, and also the caution to be exercised with regard to protection of password. Web counselling will start from July 31 morning to Aug.9. Candidates can change their options at helpline centers on August 10 and the options recorded in the server on last day only will be considered for seat allotment.
Have Doubts ?For any further assistance on concelling details,please drop your comments or doubts ...below..
Bank Of Baroda Recruitment Results and Personal Interviews date Check Now
Bank of Baroda Clerk Recruitment 2011 Results State Wise selected caniddates Register Number published Online on 30th July 2011.
Bank of Baroda Clerical Results 2011:
Personal Interviews are scheduled to be held from 22-08-2011 onwards. Candidates can download the Interview Call Letter from the Bank's website. Necessary intimation for Personal Interview is being sent to the above candidates by SMS, E-Mail & Post
about Date, Time & Venue of interview.If you have any issues please post your comments..
TNPSC Answer Key for Group 2 exam - Download Now CSSE Keys
TNPSC C.S.S.E-I 2011 Group 2 Main Written Examination for direct recruitment to the posts included in CSSE-1 service 2010 (Service Code No.004) Answer Keys, Solutions and cut off marks will be available today (sunday) at 6 PM: .
Download Answer Key here: Get your GK+GT and GK+GE Answer Keys from the link given below,
Get GK+ GT
No Job, Need pupil Loans - Should You Give Up?
Trying to find pupil loans for habitancy with no jobs can be a challenge. The good news is, you can derive pupil loans even if you have no job, no cosigner, and etc. Because the pupil loans are meant to be paid off once you graduate from your chosen college or university. When you graduate the lenders expect you to begin a occupation in your chosen field that will help you begin to make payments on your pupil loans.
What Are Your Options if you Have No Job?
Student school loan
Federal pupil Loans: The best source for you may be straight through federal funding. Start with your options for a federal pupil loan first. This will be one of your best options, and this is where you should begin your search for pupil loans. You can begin this by filling out your free application for pupil aid (Fasfa), and you can even faultless this application online if you would like to.
Visit Your School: Check out the college or university you will be attending, as they will have someone who can help you with the pupil loans you would most likely qualify for. They can give you all of the forms and applications (as they should always have these on hand for inherent students) you will need.
Personal Information: Before you begin filling out your pupil loan application forms, you will need to derive all of your personal data so you will have it handy while you are filling out the varied forms. Most likely all of them will ask for definite data about you, and you might just feel like you are filling out the same application over and over. derive your tax return data for the last consolidate of years if you have any, your public safety number, your mother's maiden name, and whatever else you can think of that they will ask for on the application. It is much good to have this data on hand than to stop in the middle of filling out your application to retrieve this information.
Take Your Time: Depending on how many applications and forms you have collected set aside at least one to three hours so you can properly fill in the applications and make sure you understand all things you have in front of you before you sign anything. Have the needful tools as well. Some applications will state at the top of the form that you should fill it out with a pencil, or a black or blue pen.
Student Loan Consolidations Advice: Get in touch with a financial aid advisor and enlist their help. They are experts in the field of financial aid, and can help you with a range of questions and concerns. You can also show your financial advisor your responses that you receive to see if all things is accurate. They can be a great asset to you when you need whatever clarified about your pupil loans.
As you can see the list above provides you with some options for finding pupil loans for habitancy with no jobs. Seek out all of your options with the help of the expert at your college or university, and then enlist the help of a financial advisor.
No Job, Need pupil Loans - Should You Give Up?Great Lakes Student Loans
How to consolidate secret trainee Loans at a Fixed Rate
Whether you are a college graduate and/or have more than one learner loan you are probably finding for some ways to save some money. You can save money by merge hidden learner loans at a fixed rate.
Why merge hidden learner Loans at a Fixed Rate?
Student federal loans
There are so many benefits to consolidating your learner loans. Consolidating your learner loans naturally means that you will have an additional one lender merge all of your learner loans into one, easy and manageable loan where you can pay just one payment instead of trying to keep track of your varied loans and payments and balances. Once you graduate from college you will be busy in your new occupation and new life. Managing varied learner loans will not be something you will want to add to your daily schedule.
Here Are Some Of The Benefits Of Consolidating Your hidden learner Loans
Lower Payments: By consolidating your hidden learner loans you will get some financial relief by getting your monthly payments lowered.
One Payment: Instead of having to keep track of your varied learner loans and your varied payments, you will have only one to worry about, as well as one easy monthly payment.
Lower Fixed Interest Rate: When you merge your learner loans you will reap the benefits of a lower and fixed interest rate, which will lower your long term and widespread payments to your lender.
Credit Rating: You can truly help good your credit rating by consolidating your learner loans into one loan that you pay to only one lender. The more outstanding debts you have on your credit article the worse it will look to lenders and creditors. By creating just one loan out of two or more loans that are outstanding you will increase your credit rating.
Is It inherent To merge hidden learner Loans At A Fixed Rate?
Yes! Not only is it inherent to merge your hidden learner loans, but you should also merge your learner loans!
By consolidating your hidden learner loans you will be consolidating any learner loans that are non-federal. You can contain other debts in this hidden learner loan consolidation, such as any credit card debt you may have as long as the debt is schooling associated in some way. The only downside to consolidating your hidden learner loans is that you may not want to merge any federal learner loans with your hidden non-federal learner loan consolidation. This is because your federal learner loans usually have a lower interest rate than your hidden learner loans. By consolidating all of your loans, hidden and federal, you could lose out on some savings you're your interest rates. You can merge your federal and hidden learner loans, but you should do them separately to save a bunch of money in the long run.
With this in mind, you should merge any federal learner loans you have first, and then merge your hidden learner loans. You will save money by doing this, lower your interest rates, have only one or two lower payments to make each month, and originate a good credit article and score for you.
How to consolidate secret trainee Loans at a Fixed RateGATE 2012 Computer Science Questions with Answers -Prepare for Gate Exam
Here are some of the questions for gate exam 2012 for CS students,share this page with your friends va Facebook,Twitter or Emai them.
Comment your views below.
1. An organization has a class B network and wishes to form subnets for 64 departments. The subnet mask would be
2. Let G be a simple graph with 20 vertices and 100 edges. The size of the minimum vertex cover of G is 8. Then, the size of the maximum independent set of G is
More than 12
Less than 8
3. The order of an internal node in a B+ tree index is the maximum number of children it can have. Suppose that a child pointer takes 6 bytes, the search field value takes 14 bytes, and the block size is 512 bytes. What is the order of the internal node?
4. The minimum number of page frames that must be allocated to a running process in a virtual memory environment is determined by
page size
physical memory size
the instruction set architecture
number of processes in memory
5. The best data structure to check whether an arithmetic expression has balanced parentheses is a
6. Suppose the round trip propagation delay for a 10 Mbps Ethernet having 48-bit jamming signal is 46.4 ms. The minimum frame size is:
7. Consider the following C program
main ()
int x, y, m, n ;
scanf (“%d %d”, &x, &y); / * Assume x > 0 and y > 0 * /
m = x; n = y ;
while ( m ! = n)
if (m > n)
m = m + n;
else n = n – m ;
The program computes
x mod y using repeated subtraction
the greatest common divisor of x and y
the least common multiple of x and y
x + y, using repeated subtraction
8. The minimum number of page frames that must be allocated to a running process in a virtual memory environment is determined by
the instruction set architecture
physical memory size
page size
number of processes in memory
9. Consider the following C function:
int f (int n)
static int i = 1;
if (n >= 5)
return n;
n = n + i;
return f (n);
The value returned by f(1) is
10. A Priority-Queue is implemented as a Max-Heap. Initially, it has 5 elements. The level-order traversal of the heap is given below: 10, 8,5,3,2 Two new elements 1 and 7 are inserted in the heap in that order. The level-order traversal of the heap after the insertion of the elements is
11. The following numbers are inserted into an empty binary search tree in the given order: 10, 1, 3, 5, 15, 12, 16. What is the height of the binary search tree (the height is the maximum distance of a leaf node from the root)?
12. The relation scheme Student Performance (name, courseNo, rollNo, grade) has the following functional dependencies:
The highest normal form of this relation scheme is:
name, courseNo -> grade
rollNo, courseNo -> grade
rollNo -> name
name -> rollNo
If you have doubts ,please write your comments for more assistance.Share your answers for the above questions..
Dr.Ambedkar University U.G Results 2011
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open University (BRAOU) has declared UG Third / Second Year Spell – I Results 2011. The results has been announced on today ie) 30th July, 2011. Dr. BR Ambedkar Open University UG II/III Year Spell – I Exam held on May, 2011.You can know more information about the result,from the official webste link given,Just visit:
Get Dr.B.R. Ambedkar Open University (BRAOU) UG II / III Year Spell-I (May 2011) Results or
Leave your comments for any assistance/help.Share this page with your friends @facebook @twitter
The Church Ladies League
The Church Ladies League
Meet Ruda, Grace and Pink three of the ladies from the church ladies league . They are seniors in Shiloh church. Ruda is a seventy five year old recent widow with three children and seven grandchildren. Grace is a proud, and sassy sixty eight year old with another soon to be ex-husband and no children. Finally, there is Pink a seventy one year old woman who has never been married but has six children and fifteen grandchildren.
These ladies have come together to help the needy in their church and community. These ladies are on a collision course with destiny. What starts out as a campaign to help the needy will bring laughter, tears, sadness and joy to the ladies of the church league. They will find strength and comfort in their faith in God, their love of Christ and one another as they truly begin to understand the plight of their community and church and ultimately what family really is. The church ladies league will amaze.
Ruda March walked from the neighborhood grocery on White Avenue down Cold Street to her home. She had moved back into the community she had grown up in some sixty years ago. As she walked, Ruda noticed all of the changes to the community some not for the better. Ruda thought to herself “who would have thought the community would have turned out like this.” She wondered what happened. Once upon a time people cared and looked out for one another. People actually took the time to say good morning or good evening to those they passed on the street. Today people seem so angry and they don’t want to be spoken too. People seem so unfriendly. They have left trash lying in the streets and on the grass and the sidewalks, graffiti covering the sides of many of the old buildings that use to house restaurants, grocery stores, night clubs and movie houses. Rudaremembered the good times shared in those places. That building on the left, use to be March’s shoe repair shop. “That was where I met my Sam,” Ruda thought. Sam had moved to the city to come to work for his uncle. It was love at first site. They had married within a year. She and Sam had found a little place on Cold Street and lived there for the next thirty five years until Sam’s mother became ill and they moved back to the country to look after her until she passed. There she lived with Sam until his death a few months ago. God had been good to Ruda. She and Sam had shared more than fifty years of marriage. They had their share of ups and downs but the ups outweighed the downs. Ruda needed a change. She needed to feel needed. She wanted to be able to help someone else while she still could. She wanted be around familiar surrounding. Ruda went home.
Grace Sandbag for the moment lives on Done Avenue. Grace and her second husband Ichabod are parting ways, only Grace did not realize it was about to happen. Seventy year old Ichabod recently ran off with his twenty five year old assistant and cleaned out his and Grace’s bank accounts and took out a second mortgage on their home of twenty five years. Grace is ready for vengeance and the wrath of God to fall on Ichabod and his girlfriend.
Pink Samuels lived in subsidized housing on Blue Boulevard from the time she was born until six months ago when she played the lottery and won. All of her relations those she knew and did not know, real and fake came out of no where wanting a hand out. Pink got angry! She’d raised her children alone, when their father was killed in the war. She wanted to marry but Albert wasn’t ready until he was off fighting the war. They planned to marry when he returned only Albert did not come back alive.
Where were they when I needed their help! They walked away and left me to raise these children as best as I could here. This was all Pink knew. Having the money made it impossible for Pink to stay in what had been her home for more than fifty years. Pink was too afraid to move too far away. She found a little house three blocks away from Cold Street on Simmering Way.
On Sunday Pastor Brown shares with the congregation the plight of the community and the responsibility of each individual as a Christian. She challenges the congregation to find ways to improve their community and to help someone else and to stop thinking about yourself and your own problems. Selfish!! Pastor Brown calls it. Grace thinks she just does not know. But I can be the bigger person. I can let go and wish Ichabod and that twit! Oh! God forgive me-that young girl well. I wish they’d fall in one! Pink has an idea for helping the teens-but who am I? Who is going to listen to an old woman like me. People come with their hand out and not with an open ear to hear what she had to say. But none the less Pink decided to talk to Pastor Brown. Ruda was truly inspired. She wanted to do something about all of the trash in the neighborhood and the “I don’t care attitude” and the little ones standing on the street corners.This is the reason she had to come home. Ruda would talk to Pastor Brown.
After Pastor Brown spoke with Ruda and Pink, she put them in contact with one another and told them that their was a third woman that would be of great service to them by the name of Grace Sandbag.
Ruda and Pink contact Grace, reluctantly Grace agrees to help- thinking helping others might get her mind off of her troubles. The ladies hold their initial meeting at Shiloh church and devise a plan. The ladies recognize that there are many obstacles in their way. They create flyer’s to distribute to the community and advertise the next meeting in the church’s bulletin.
Finally, the night of the meeting arrived. The ladies prepared sandwiches and drinks. Grace stated that the sandwichs and drinks were too much. Let the people eat their own food at home but she is over ruled by Pink and Ruda. The church’s fellowship hall was full and the community and church members had come with many ideas and complaints. Ms. Thomas was angry over having retired and not having enough money to live on and pay her bills. Her electric bill goes up each month and sometimes its a choice between the light bill or having food to eat. Ms. Thomas doubted that the league could do anything for her. Miss Smith is twenty seven with four children and a recent college graduate. She’s been offered a good paying job and on more than one occasion but has been having trouble with finding quality and affordable childcare. She receives some government assistance with the payment but her portion is still more than she can afford with four children. Four young girls ranging from fourteen to sixteen attend, stating they live on the streets and can not go home. One of the girls is pregnant. About fifty persons state that they need to go to or would like to go to a doctor or dentist but do not have insurance, or the money to purchase an individual plan and there are sometimes long waits in the emergency rooms. Others were concerned about crime in the neighborhood and the lack of respect shown to the elders in the neighborhood, not having enough food to eat and not being able to care for themselves in their own homes as seniors. It was enough to make everybodies head spin. There was a lot of finger pointing and blaming. Of all people quiet, little Pink stood up and began to sing “We shall over come”. The whole room fell silent and then one by one they joined in to sing and began to hold each others hand and smile. Then it was Grace’s turn to step in. Grace thanked everyone for their input and admitted that nothing would be solved with this one meeting but now the league had an idea of what it was up against and what needed to be done. The ladies then listed all of the concerns and as a group they decided what could be taken care of immediately and what they would have to work towards as a community. It was suggested that Safe Haven or an organization life it be contacted so that the homeless girls could get a place to stay.
Filed: Scholarship | Edutags: Church, Ladies, League
Students loans Canada: Support for the Students of Canada
5 Of The Best Ways For a Full Time College Student to Earn Money
5 Of The Best Ways For a Full Time College Student to Earn Money
With the rising college tuition costs and an economy that is unstable, parents are having enough of a problem paying college tuition. After tuition costs, many simply can not pony up the dough to pay for living expenses and socializing. Under this reality, a full time college student has a very difficult time finding ways to make some extra money to pay for living expenses. Not to mention being able to have a few dollars to enjoy somewhat of a social life in between classes and studying.
A full time college student has a very difficult task in trying to put the time into their studies and earn money, at the same time. Most business owners have a set time frame available which usually does not conform to the class schedule of a full time college student. This leaves most students in a dilemma, sacrifice my grades by working a job into their schedule that might require them to miss classes or forgo library study.
Having three children attending college who all are facing this dilemma, I have been helping them find the best ways to make some extra money to pay for the college extras that always seem to come up. Over the past three years here are what we found to be the 5 of the best ways for a full time college student to earn money.
This is an easy and satisfying way to earn money, while at the same time honing your writing, spelling and grammar skills for class work, reports and life in general. It is a simple concept, you accept a writing project, negotiate a price submit your work and get paid for your service. You can take as much or as little work as you can do within your schedule.
A decent student can tutor other students in the college or even post their skills online to help local high school or middle school students
3.Internet Opportunities
By now I think most people in the world know about online ways to earn money. There are some ways that do not cost anything to start and actually can make enough to take care of some of the expenses that come up. Google Adsense, Affiliate Marketing and Blogging are just a couple of ways to make some money. Many of these programs do not cost anything; however, there are some online opportunities that may cost a little but can return quite a bit if. The nice thing about these opportunities is that they can be worked at any time of the day or night, so a full time college student can certainly work it into his or her schedule.
4.Work Study Programs
Most universities and colleges offer work study programs. These programs are usually designed to work around a student’s schedule. These jobs usually entail working somewhere on campus, in the library, the gym or the school book store. These jobs do not offer big money but can help.
5.Need Based Grants
This is really not a way to EARN extra money, but many times if a full time college student is diligent a grant can be obtained if properly applied for. Surprisingly, there are a lot of programs that help in this area, Housing Grants, Meal Assistance etc. The work here is to research and find out what programs are available, whether it is through the government or through the university. There are some little known grants and scholarships that should be available.
Obviously a full time college student has a schedule they have to work around and that offers very little time to set aside for an onsite job, a job that requires a student to be on the premises and provide physical services. This leaves us with opportunities that I have listed.
Click Here - For more information and job possibilities
tags: Best, College, Earn, Full, Money, student, Time, Ways
[Belgium] PhD student Computer Science – specialization `databases and theoretical computer science` at Universiteit Hasselt
The Campus Journalism Act And Campus Writers at National Schools Press Conference
The Campus Journalism Act And Campus Writers at National Schools Press Conference
“The national and international campus writers have the rights to act and be the general voice of the majority of underprivileged individuals whose intentions and motives are to help the government in particular and the nation in general prosper economically–away from hassles and bustles of busy and greedy politicians who always take advantages of the country’s wealth, natural resources, etc.”
The campus journalism act in the Philippines gives a full blast to press freedom among student-journalists. As a matter of fact, there are pros and cons of this journalism act, but there are prevailing factors that can help contribute to the press freedom. This act will protect the campus advisers and writers from harassment and abuse of power to those persons in full authority.
In the Philippines, the campus journalism act is very lenient in the sense that it doesn’t cater a lot to the needs of the people in media industry. It does not give fully the options either to give constructive or destructive comments against the persons in the government or the persons in the private learning institutions. Each writer has to be very careful and not to be abusive of his/her power and privileges.
If there are limitations about the press freedom, the persons in authority ought to be very careful and not to be very abusive in order to thwart from being attacked by the media.
In every school (both public and private) there is a campus paper to let the people, especially the parents know about the projects and activities to be undertaken by the school administrators, teachers, and students.
This kind of act is a laudable endeavor to be recognized by the DepEd officials. Because of this act, promising campus writers are trained and given exposure to hone their talents. Press conferences are held every year. Starting with the division level, it goes to the regional level and finally to the national level. Campus writers, who qualify to the regional level, have the chance to visit different places in the region and those who qualify to the national level have the chance to visit different places all over the Philippines.
However, because of scarcity of funds, there are times when winning campus writers cannot compete with the winners in regional level, much more to the national level. The reason for this is that the schools depend on PTCA (Parent-Teacher-Association) funds’ participation in and out of town press conferences. Sometimes, these are curtailed because either funds are diverted to other purpose or there are no collections at all. It’s disheartening to know that a provision in the DepEd memorandum 203 dated June 5, 2006, stated that the regional trainings of advisers and campus journalists shall be subsidized by the Campus Journalism Funds (CJF).
Based on our experience, our participations in the area, division and even regional press conferences were never subsidized by the CJF. There was an instance when we almost gave up and did not participate in the division schools press conference which was held in Daanbantayan National High School, Daanbantayan, Cebu because we did not have funds for fare, registration and allowance for the contingent. It was really frustrating as we had more than 20 winners in the area level.
Even if the former DepEd Director Mordeno in Region VII emphasized that school paper funds should be deposited in a bank with the principal, adviser and editor-in-chief as signatories, this was not so strictly followed during our times where the majority of advisers, principals and editor-in-chiefs were clamoring for the lack of funds. On the contrary, the PTCA has collected and kept custody of all funds. It can’t be denied that they are all responsible for the money collection and students’ contributions, not the faculty and principal.
The national campus journalists on the go!
Editor-in-Chief and School Paper Adviser will attend NSPC this year in Butuan City, Philippines, for Editorial Writing, Online Journalism and Festival of Talents in SPFL-French
Carlo Galicia from Minglanilla National Science High School will fly to Butuan City for NSPC competitions in Editorial Writing Category (English) and Online Journalism, representing Cebu Province DivisionAs part of the culminating activities, under the SPFL, Galicia is one of the participants in NSPC with regard to the showcase of talents in the use of a 2nd foreign language like FrenchThe objectives of the special program in foreign language (SPFL) in the NSPC are to promote the special program in foreign language, and to encourage students to participate in the program and see the value of learning another foreign languageThe theme for the said event: “Freedom of Expression: Rights and Responsibility.” The organizers are expecting more than 4,000 delegates from 17 regions who will be joining the National Schools Press Conference in Butuan City that would converge in friendly competition and exercise the freedom of expression.
The National Schools Press Conference (NSPC) this school year focuses on the “Freedom of Expression: Rights and Responsibility.” As such, the Department of Education (DepEd) mobilizes schools support by advocating and integrating rights and responsibility in related school-community initiatives.
The annual NSPC draws a thousand campus journalists from public and private elementary and high school students nationwide. It will be held this year in Butuan City, Caraga Region. It is the place for the national competition of qualified regional winners coming from diverse elementary and secondary levels in the Philippines, most especially for the presscon competition in various categories (English).
Carlo Galicia from Minglanilla National Science High School will compete with other qualified winners during the RSPC for NSPC competition in Editorial Writing Category (English). He is one of the winners in editorial writing from Cebu Province Division. He is to be accompanied by his coach Dr. Ermetes F. Adolfo, Jr., the Access school paper adviser.
According to Eugenia R. Gorgon (Officer-in-Charge, Director IV) of Department of Education, in the Festival of Talents: Special Program in Foreign Language (SPFL) in NSPC, in connection with the annual holding of the National Schools Press Conference (NSPC) in Butuan City, Caraga Region and with reference to DepEd Memorandum No. 15 and DepEd Advisory No. 50 that part of its culminating activities, under the Special Program in Foreign Language (SPFL) is a showcase of talents in the use of a 2nd foreign language like French. In this regard, Minglanilla National Science High School is one of the participants from Region VII to join in the said event.
Individual and group writing contests in English and Filipino will carry the conference theme: “Freedom of Expression: Rights and Responsibility.”
The group contests comprise five categories: editorial page, feature/literary page, news page and sports page.
High school and elementary students will participate in the individual contests such as editorial writing, news writing, feature writing, sports writing. There will also be competitions in copy reading and headline writing, photojournalism, editorial cartooning, and scriptwriting and radio broadcasting.
RSPC formally opens with delegates from different schools in Region VII
Regional Press Conference has the biggest delegation of private and public schools compared to RSPC last year
Cebu Province led by Mrs. Evelyn Balang (English Supervisor) and Mrs. Novie Mangubat (Filipino Supervisor) actively participated in a 4-day conference with
Filed: Scholarship | Edutags: campus, Conference, Journalism, National, Press, Schools, Writers
Easy and Fun Ways to Save Money as a College Student
Easy and Fun Ways to Save Money as a College Student
When most students enter college they have no idea what they are in for, and they end up broke the first week, but this does not have to e the case. In fact there are several easy ways to save money when in college. This article will discuss many easy and fun ways to save money as a college student, and these tips can make a huge difference in the quality of life for a college student.
Create a Budget and Savings Plan
Saving money starts with figuring out how much money you have and how much money you need. A college student should start by figuring out the total amount of bills they have per month and making a list of the dates the bills are due. A college student should remember to include food, gas, and other essential items they might need. When all of the bills are listed they should total the amount up. This is the cost of living for a college student, and this is how much they will need every month to survive. After a total is reached it should be divided by 4; this is the amount of money a college student must save every week to pay their monthly bills. In order to save money a student should put away at least dollars extra every week, and they will end up with extra money at the end of the month for a cushion. Without a budget and an honest awareness of what a college student spends in a month they can not save money; so all college students should start out by creating a budget and living within their means.
Save Money on Food
Food is another way that college students can spend a lot of money, but there are a lot of easy ways a college student can save on food. Checking out flyers and cutting coupons are always a great way to save on food, and college students should visit discount places such as liquidator stores, dollar stores, and wholesale stores. Another good way to save money on food as a college student is by shopping at wholesale stores with friends, and splitting the bill. Buying in bulk is a great way to save money and have fun with your friends while n college. It is also fun and easy to save money on food in college by creating a dinner making program with friends. Each person can pick a night where they cook a meal for your group of college friends, and this will save on food and time for all college students that are part of the program. Food is a necessity and you can save on food costs as a college student by cooking instead of going out to eat.
Save Money on Cloths and Household Items
Cloths and household items are something that college students need, but they can save in this area of their budget as well. Shopping at thrift stores, flea markets, and garage sales are a great way for college students to save money. Another fun way to save money of cloths and household items while in college is by organizing a college thrift sale where all college students can trade or sell their unwanted items. This is a fun and easy way to save money as a college student.
Save Money on Gas
Gas is expensive, and students have become accustomed to driving themselves around by the time they are in college, but they can save money on gas by taking a few easy steps. Car pooling is easy when you are surrounded by so many of your peers, and car pooling should always be taken advantage of by students. Riding a bike or walking is another easy alternative to spending money on gas, and many college towns are very close to stores so walking is easy. Saving money on gas is important for college students because every little bit can help.
Save on Housing
Housing is an important issue when you are in college, and housing will probably be a college student’s biggest bill. Many students like to stay in a dorm or rent an apartment off campus. When choosing the housing that is right for you, you should consider having a roommate. As a college student you will be spending most of your time in school, studying, or with friends, and this means you will probably not be spending most of your time at home. Having a roommate is the perfect way to cut your housing costs in half, and this is an easy way to save money as a college student.
Save on Entertainment
Many college students will spend a lot of money going out to bars, movie theaters, pool halls, and other places of entertainment, and college students have to work hard so they deserve entertainment. Although it may seem like entertainment is very costly a little creativity can provide college students with a fun time while saving money. Consider watching movies at home with friends as an alternative to going to the movies. Throwing fun themed dinner parties instead of eating out is a great way to save money. Drinking at home with friends is a lot safer and cheaper than going to the bar as well. There are many fun ways to save money on entertainment as a college student, and all you need is a little creativity.
Saving money as a college student may seem like a challenge; with food, housing, gas, and other essential bills college students may seem overwhelmed by their bills, but there are many fun and easy ways to save money as a college student. Try these easy ideas today, and your quality of college life is guaranteed to improve.
Written by SarahGanly
Freelance writer and artist
tags: College, Easy, Money, Save, student, Ways
How to survive financially in college
How to survive financially in college
Most people go to college immediately after school and, having been supported by their parents up to that point, have no experience of looking after themselves financially. It is, generally, common sense – don’t spend more than you have. Nevertheless, many people find themselves in debt while studying at college, and this debt can take years to pay off. There are, however, plenty of ways to enjoy college while ensuring you spend sensibly.
Work out how you are going to pay
Some people are lucky enough to have parents who are willing to cover the whole of their college costs and won’t need to worry too much about where the money is coming from. Many others may need to apply for grants and scholarships in order to cover the costs; how you apply will depend on the country and area in which you live. Make sure that you know exactly how much money you are going to receive, then find out how much your fees are going to cost. This is important, because if you don’t have enough money to cover everything, you may need to look for other income sources. It is always worth asking for advice from your college about any funds that may exist for those struggling financially.
Keep a budget
Once you know how much money you are entitled to, start keeping a budget. At the beginning of each term, calculate exactly how much money you have and what you need to spend it on. This is particularly important if you are not living in college and are going to have a number of utility bills to pay. You will probably need help from someone the first couple of times you draw up a budget – it is easy to under-estimate bills if you haven’t had any before. The main thing you need to think of is how much money you have to spend on yourself, for treats and entertainment, because this will colour how you plan your whole term.
Eat cheaply
If you are living in college and your meals are included in your accommodation fees, then try to eat in college as often as possible. The food may not be brilliant, but there will be healthy options and it will cut down on a lot of food expenses. If you have to provide your own food, then learn to cook, even if it is only simple dishes at first. See if you can share the cooking with others to further cut down on costs. And cook in bulk, then freeze the portions you don’t need immediately – curries, chilli, spaghetti bolognaise etc are all dishes that freeze well.
Take advantage of student discounts
Investigate any student discounts. In the UK, for example, a National Union of Students card will entitle you to a discount in certain shops, restaurants, cinemas, public places and on public transport. Make sure you know which shops are applicable and always carry your card with you. You should also check for discounts and vouchers in papers and online. Many chain restaurants have two for one deals that will make a great evening out and a change from the usual dishes. Make it a habit to check for vouchers at least once a week, or you may miss the best deals.
Find the cheapest places to shop
Depending on your lifestyle prior to college, you may not be used to budgeting for food and clothes. Student discounts will be very helpful, but it is also worth spending some time finding out about other cheap places to shop. You may initially be put off going to discount stores and markets, but the prices can be very low. Look online for books and other equipment you may need for study – there are a number of price comparison sites that you can use to find the cheapest offer. And find out what time of day fresh goods are sold off cheaply at your local supermarket – provided you are going to use them straight away, or freeze them, you can get some excellent and very tasy deals.
Enjoy yourself cheaply
Most colleges will arrange entertainment for its students – there is probably even a bar where you can buy cheap drinks and food. Find out what else is on offer. There may be a film club where you can view cheap films and there are bound to be plenty of sports and hobbies clubs that you can join for very little money. You will have the opportunity to meet plenty of new people and, once you have done, you can start to organise your own entertainment; picnics in the summer, outings and, of course, cheap parties.
Find a part-time job
If your money doesn’t stretch far enough or you have expensive tastes that you just can’t shake, then you will need to consider looking for a part-time job. It may be enough to work a few hours a week, or you may need to look for something more full-time during the holidays – or even both. This is excellent experience for the future, especially if you can find something related to your choice of career. However, you do need to remember that your priority should be your studies and should plan carefully so that your studies aren’t affected too greatly.
Going to college can be a life-changing experience. Make the most of it while you are there, work hard and enjoy yourself, but never forget that there isn’t a bottomless pit of money to spend.
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Obama Commission Recommends End to Subsidized Student Loans
Obama Commission Recommends End to Subsidized Student Loans
The National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform has issued a report that recommends the elimination of subsidized federal student loans in order to reduce federal spending. The recommendation is one of 50 that the bipartisan panel, which was created by President Obama and charged with finding ways to reduce the federal deficit, brought forward.
Federal subsidized student loans are government-issued student loans on which the government pays —subsidizes — the interest while a student is in school or in an approved deferment period. During deferment periods, which are granted on a case-by-case basis when a student loan borrower is experiencing financial hardship or other extenuating circumstances, the borrower isn’t required to make principal or interest payments on his or her federal college loans.
Subsidized student loans, awarded on the basis of financial need, are available to low-income students and students from low-income families. The President’s fiscal commission estimates that eliminating the federal interest payments on these subsidized college loans would save about billion annually.
The proposal to eliminate subsidized federal student loans isn’t a recommendation to shutter the federal student loan program altogether. Federally funded student loans are also available in an unsubsidized form, and these unsubsidized student loans are awarded to eligible students, regardless of income bracket, who qualify for federal college financial aid to help them pay for college.
Do Student Loan Subsidies Benefit Students?
A growing number of policy groups support dispensing with federally subsidized student loans. The College Board recommended the same move in 2008, and some Democratic lawmakers also included the elimination of subsidized student loans in the initial draft of the student loan reforms that were enacted in 2009. The provision was dropped after student advocates and higher education lobbyists successfully persuaded House Democrats to retain the student loan subsidies.
Supporters of dropping the subsidized interest benefit say that subsidized student loans don’t do anything to make college more accessible to the low-income students to whom the loans are awarded, since borrowers don’t reap the benefit of the subsidy until after they’ve graduated.
Others who support the move to do away with subsidized student loans argue that student borrowers shouldn’t receive a benefit designed to reduce student loan debt that’s based on what the borrower’s family income was 10 or 20 years earlier.
Instead, proponents contend, already-available flexible student loan repayment plans like income-dependent payments, graduated payments, and repayment term extensions are more effective and fairer.
A new income-based repayment plan, instituted last year, is based on the student loan borrower’s post-graduation income, a better measure of a borrower’s long-term financial outlook.
Graduated repayment, in which a student loan borrower’s monthly payments start out low and gradually increase every two years — designed for borrowers who expect their income to increase steadily over time — is available to all borrowers of federal college loans, regardless of their family income at the time they attended college.
More Proposed Changes to Federal College Financial Aid
Eliminating federal student loan interest subsidies isn’t the only change the fiscal commission recommends. The commission’s deficit-reduction proposal would also put an end to payments to colleges and universities for the administration of campus-based federal financial aid programs.
Colleges and universities administer certain federal financial aid awards locally —Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants, Perkins loans, and federally funded work-study programs. A school may retain as much as 5 percent of the federal financial aid funds provided for these programs to cover the cost of administration. Institutions that distribute federal Pell Grants also receive a small fixed payment to cover administrative costs.
Under the proposed deficit-reduction plan, the 5-percent administrative fee would be eliminated, and all federal funds would be delivered in the form of student financial aid, with no portion of those funds being siphoned away any longer in the form of administrative costs.
The commission’s rationale for eliminating these administrative fees is that colleges and universities benefit from federal grant programs because, unlike college loans, the federal grant dollars effectively increase enrollment by making college more affordable for students.
From Policy Proposal to National Law
The fiscal commission doesn’t have the final say on which recommended reforms are enacted. Currently, the commission’s report is in draft form. The commission must prepare a final recommendation no later than Dec. 1, 2010, and the final draft must have the approval of at least 14 of the commission’s 18 members.
Once the report is finalized and presented to the White House, legislators are expected to take up the recommendations and convert them into legislative mandates.
The commission’s recommendations are designed to balance the federal budget by 2015. If adopted, the recommendations would involve a broad set of austerity measures, including both spending cuts and tax reforms.
college loans, income-based student loan repayment, campus-based financial aid
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Pune University U.G BBA 3rd Semester Results 2011 - Check Now
University of Pune has declared the result of its Under Graduate Degree examination April 2011 results to be published online on 29th July 2011. Pune University may be release BBA 3rd Semester exam and or other results april 2011. University of Pune recelty announced B Pharmacy 2008 Pat. and B Pharmacy 2004 Pat. exam results.
Students can visit the official website for getting Pune Unv BBA results from the link given below,
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Allahabad University Results 2011 - Check Now

Allahabad University Result 2011
The University of Allahabad, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh (UP) also known as Allahabad University has regularly updates its website ( to declare the results for the exams held regularly. Allahabad University has made the arrangements for declaring the result by creating the web version of its pages. So candidates need only the roll number to know the Result. Candidates can get the Allahabad University Result 2011 easily by visit link given below.
Students get known your results from the website link that is given below,
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SOS March: Our stories matter
If I could start again
a million miles away
I would keep myself
I would find a way....
My son's toes were cut up pretty good, my daughter's shiner began its inevitable transition from a dull red to the eggplant hue it promises to be. Leslie and I left without any wounds to discuss, but at our age, that's cool. I only had one scuffle, but over the next few days, months, and years, should I be so blessed, it will become another story that defines our clan. Yep, the Dropkick Murphys are in town.

Our story is not particularly compelling because we're Irish--it's compelling because we're human. Our story is universal, our particulars emanating from an Gorta Mór, the Great Hunger. Just about every culture paying attention, true to its history, can say the same thing.
Every culture that shares stories from more than a generation knows love and death, knows kindness and injustice, knows redemption. The danger, a real one, is believing that only your culture shares these things.
Humans are tribal--just look at Facebook. But we're not immortal--just look at your folks a generation or two ahead. It's a fine line between tribalism and racism, one often crossed, especially when times get tough. The best stories remind us of our worst behaviors.
My sister, when she was still alive, traveled for months through rural Pakistan--she spent an afternoon having tea in a Hunzakut home--and everywhere the same stories, the same shared meals, the same kindness to "strangers," thousands of miles away in the Hunza Valley.
I teach to share the story.
I am charged with teaching natural history, a small but real part of our history.
Teachers need to be careful about some things--our march is tribal, and if we're careless, our words become exclusionary.
Yes, we work hard, but just about everybody works hard.
Yes, we're losing autonomy in the workplace, but just about everybody else has, too.
I work hard as a teacher, but I worked hard as a dock worker, as a doc, as a lab tech, as a lawn cutter, as a salesperson. We all work hard--we must not ever forget that when anyone one of us speaks, we speak for all.
We need to focus on what we value, because our values are shared values that matter to everyone who loves, everyone who stays true to this human thing, which is intimately tied to the land we walk on, the air we breathe.
If we forget our collective pasts, the joys and the injustices, the happy births and the agonal deaths, the stories that matter, then we lose our reason to teach.
Those who teach just to make a living won't be there tomorrow. Neither will those who teach without passion, without hope, without love. Everyone who shows will have stories to share, stories to bring back home, stories that shape lives.
Johnny Cash took Trent Reznor's
I pop the video in, and wow... Tears welling, silence, goose-bumps... I wrote some words and music in my bedroom as a way of staying sane, about a bleak and desperate place I was in, totally isolated and alone. [Somehow] that winds up reinterpreted by a music legend from a radically different era/genre and still retains sincerity and meaning — different, but every bit as pure.Alternative Press, #194, September, 2004, via Wikipedia
Teachers still have a rare privilege in our culture--we tell stories for a living. Classrooms that work are woven with the words of all within the room. I do not want to lose my voice. I do not want my students to lose theirs. So I will march, and I will sing, and chant, and maybe even dance. I hope you do, too.
Ugc Recognize Degree Programs With Singhania University Rajasthan India
Ugc Recognize Degree Programs With Singhania University Rajasthan India
India is one of the biggest and famous countries of the globe where you will number of travel destinations with twenty eight states and seven union territories, all these states and cities of the nation famous for there unique destinations and historic places. Indian government has put main emphasis on travel, technology and mainly education sector. Indian government has spent major section of its revenue on the development of education system and its standard. Over the past few years the literacy rate of complete nation increases by fair percentage. Main sections of its development include primary and higher education among the students. From previous few years India has launched number of plans and programs that brings A grade students with some of the world known universities in India. Somehow, the reputed, world known and prestigious universities in India are entrusted with the duty of producing educated citizens who would make the country feel proud. All these universities are premier centers for higher education have best known for their world class education and study environment and experienced faculty members.
Higher education is one of the systems that has given higher priority in terms of opening new universities with international standard, launching new and updated course contents, offering internship and recruitment at international level. In India you will number of top universities with name singhania university that offers wide verities of degree programs with latest course contents and easy mode of examination. Here, you will find experienced and talented faculties that have awesome experiences of international market as well as having great experience of academia records. Singhania University is one of the reputed Universities of India that promises bright career and future prospects to its students. It have given a new image to rajasthan university by offering range of degree programs in all major discipline. singhania university rajasthan also offers education in different mode of studies like regular classes along with distance education for students from any part of the world.
A type of colleges or universities is considered as one of the important aspects in making of a person. Therefore, before enrolling in any degree programs offered by any college or university must go through all the important aspects like recognition, course contents, mode of examinations, internship and recruitment programs. UGC is one of the organizations that is formed with the view point of regulating the laws and checking the standards of universities of the nation. After Independence University Grants Commission is one of the society made to operate various universities of the country. In the year of 1956, the parliament gave the power of seeking and regulating the study laws in the entire education network in the country. singhania university ugc recognized and approved university in rajasthan india, All these raise the role of UGC to some extent. The increment in the number of universities in India along with position of Indian higher education in the world depicts how best the UGC have taken its responsibilities. Besides, these there many private boards operating through out the India for developing and improving the standard of higher education of the nation.
For higher education in india singhania university is the right place,it is the top university in india is famous name in india for technical and non technical education, rajasthan university provides B.Tech,M.Tech, B.Sc. Courses, M.Sc(Hons) courses and many more courses just visit and get world class education.
Written by rahulkumar
I am not just believe but also follow the phrase
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Filed: Scholarship | Edutags: degree, India, Programs, Rajasthan, Recognize, Singhania, university
Most Students Require Student Loans
Loans, in whatever form a student chooses to take them, help defer the cost of college until after graduation when they have an income flow that allows them to pay off the loan. Problems often arise for students however when they find that interest has accumulated on their loan during their time in school and they now owe much more than they borrowed. A number of financial advisors suggest that students should calculate the real cost of the loan before agreeing to accept the money and that borrowing as little as possible is typically the best course of action. This process can be made easier with careful financial planning before entering college and budgeting while there.
Another valuable piece of advice offered by many former students is to not ignore your loans because they are not going away. Ignoring loans or making minimum payments can cause them to be dragged out and can actually increase what is owed.
Also, a students credit worthiness will affect how much can be borrowed and will be affected by how the loan is paid off. The better a students' credit is going into school, the more likely a lower interest rate or a larger loan can be had. However, for those people who have let their credit slip, acquiring funds can be very difficult indeed. When the loan is over, the payment record will be included in credit reports and scores. These reports play a major role in future finances.
Student loans do help postpone the cost of education until it is more affordable. However, with this help comes responsibility. Financial planning and budgeting are both important lessons to take into consideration when accepting student loans.
The Troubling Election of Barack Obama Part 4 of 6
The Troubling Election of Barack Obama Part 4 of 6
In Part 3 of “The Troubling Election of Barack Obama”, I outlined points 1) to 6), the first six troubling actions of Barry Soetoro prior to his election.
In Part 4 below, I outline points 7) to 11), five more troubling actions of Barry Soetoro prior to his election.
7)Soetoro’s dubious comments regarding the separation of church and state
During the Bush years, federal grants given to religious organizations could be used by religious organizations to further their objectives. The funds could be used discriminately to advance religious causes. Bush’s position was certainly a position that would please more people among the right than among the left.
During July 2007, Soetoro said this about the separation of church and state:
“For my friends on the right, I think it would be helpful to remember the critical role that the separation of church and state has played in preserving not only our democracy but also our religious practice. Folks tend to forget that during our founding, it wasn’t the atheists or the civil libertarians who were the most effective champions of the First Amendment. It was the persecuted minorities, it was Baptists like John Leland who didn’t want the established churches to impose their views on folks who were getting happy out in the fields and teaching the scripture to slaves.”
In July 2008, Soetoro suddenly changed his position, announcing plans to actually expand Bush’s programs:
“Reaching out to evangelical voters, Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama is announcing plans to expand President Bush’s program steering federal social service dollars to religious groups and – in a move sure to cause controversy – support some ability to hire and fire based on faith.”
“‘The challenges we face today … are simply too big for government to solve alone,’ Obama was to say, according to a prepared text of his remarks obtained by The Associated Press. ‘We need all hands on deck.’”
Remember, during his campaign, Soetoro was campaigning on a platform of honesty and transparency and change!
To many left wing voters, the separation of church and state is extremely important. Yet people actually voted for Soetoro!
Soetoro’s dubious logic regarding his 2001 vote against the death penalty for gang related activity
Chicago had a very serious problem with gang related murders. In 2001, as a State Senator, Soetoro voted against a new law meant to crack down on gang activity.
Although some of Soetoro’s reasoning may be sound, one aspect is very troubling :
“‘There’s a strong overlap between gang affiliation and young men of color,’ he said. ‘I think it’s problematic for them to be singled out as more likely to receive the death penalty for carrying out certain acts than are others who do the same thing.’”
Can you believe that?! One interpretation of what he said is that he thinks it’s wrong to target gangs simply because their membership includes more blacks and Hispanics than it does whites!
So is a main determinant in Soetoro’s eyes not whether a crime is committed, but the ethnic background of the person committing the crime?
There are other flaws with his logic. Why doesn’t he apply similar logic when considering the benefits of the law?
If Soetoro really was concerned with the plight of blacks and Hispanics, wouldn’t action against black and Hispanic gang members, even if the action seemed unfairly discriminatory towards them, benefit the black and Hispanic community as a whole much more than it would benefit the white community? Aren’t victims of gang activity much more likely to be black or Hispanic? Wouldn’t blacks and Hispanics overall benefit from implementation of the law he voted against? (I’m not suggesting that he should have voted for the law if he truly felt that the law was discriminatory…however, does it seem to you like Soetoro actually worries about the ethics of a decision?)
This was back in 2001. In 2008, Soetoro was campaigning on a platform of post-racial change! And people actually voted for him!
9)Soetoro’s cold answer and indifference regarding a question about human life
During August 2008, Soetoro was asked at what point a baby should receive human rights. He answered by stating that an answer to that question was “above my pay grade.”
As correctly mentions, “If it is above his pay grade to answer questions about abortion, then where does he get off voting on the issue — as he has in the Illinois legislature?”
Addressing the cold personality of Obama, they continue by saying: “Mr. Obama’s answers are so generic he sounds like one of those computers that has been programmed to sound like a human being.”
During September 2008, Soetoro admitted the problem with his attiitude, and clarified by saying:
“‘It’s a pretty tough question,’ he continued. ‘And so, all I meant to communicate was that I don’t presume to be able to answer these kinds of theological questions.’”
Theological? How is the question theological? It’s about how one defines things and about costs versus benefits! Perhaps Soetoro could use a primer, beginning with my own article on the subject.
Soetoro’s indifference toward human life seems to be very troubling. And people actually voted for him!
10) Soetoro’s birth certificate controversy prior to the election
Philip J. Berg is a Democrat who “is a former Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania.”
During August 2008, Berg sued Soetoro, claiming that Soetoro is a fraud who was not eligible to be US President. Such a lawsuit (especially coming from a Democrat), as well as the evidence in support of the plaintiff, should’ve been front page news and been scrutinized heavily!
Instead, the mainstream media buried one of the most important stories in history!
Shockingly, Soetoro refused to respond to the lawsuit by the December deadline! (Although that deadline was after the November election date).
Remember, at this very same time, Soetoro was campaigning on a platform of honesty and transparency and change! Although the mainstream media was attempting to bury the story about the lawsuit, many people using the internet were aware of it, and larger numbers of people had by then been aware of the birth certificate controversy for many months. And yet people actually voted for him!
11) Soetoro’s flip flop regarding the embargo of Cuba
During this video presentation, presumably from 2004, Soetoro says:
“I think it’s time for us to end the embargo of Cuba…”
But then in August 2007, now speaking before Cuban-Americans, Soetoro said:
“the embargo was ‘an important inducement for change’ which he would not automatically remove as president.”
Remember, during his campaign, Soetoro was campaigning on a platform of honesty and transparency and change! And yet people actually voted for him!
In Part 5 of “The Troubling Election of Barack Obama”, I will outline points 12) to 16), five more troubling actions of Barry Soetoro prior to his election.
Written by NoSuchThingAsAnOpinion
I placed 74th in the world (out of millions of people) on a test measuring intelligence! I run
tags: Barack, Election, Obama, Part, Troubling
The real Gita Gutawa..
alamakkkk a bottle of beer or wine ? err..socio drinker maybe ?
Obama management Makes student Loans Accessible
Did you regain a federal trainee loan during the educational year of 2007-2008? If so, your loan may be owned by the federal government. As of 2008, the federal government started to buy colse to 0 million per week in federal college loans.
And the imagine behind this lies in the fact that the United States government desires to have insurance of students' easy entrance to federal loans. Consequently, several banks and lenders decided to stop handling federal trainee loans.
Student federal loans
Private investors in smaller numbers have been ready to certify these loans, which were at one time advertised as security or speculation packages. The current instable shop is the root cause here, manufacture these loan packages appear less pretty to secret investors.
As these secret investors were no longer accessible, the U.S. Government declared it had no option other than stepping in and purchasing the loans. If the group of education has the capability to buy adequate federal loans, the securities earlier supporting these loans can be made obtainable to reserve federal trainee loans for other borrowers. The purchase, though, is intended to be only a temporary solution to the difficulty.
The unbelievable long-standing solution, in accordance with the group of education executives, is the implementation of a fresh program, aimed as a development on the present federal loan system, is unbelievable in the near future. This program was demonstrated in November 2008, but its impact on the present federal loan course remains to be witnessed.
It's prominent for students to be aware of the total tuition expenses of their degree before enrollment. Studies have revealed that students who make inquiries at three or more school stop up manufacture less tuition payments and getting more in assistance as compared to those that enroll in the first school they come across.
The compel of students receiving federal education loans has not yet been influenced by the economy. Presently, officials consider that the current buy-up of federal trainee loans will be adequate to counteract any hurdle that the education loan process may come across. If the economic turmoil persists, though, the estimate of federal loans obtainable could be considerably concentrated by the inaccessibility of secret investors and lenders.
Surely, the United States treasury does not have boundless resources to buy these loans. If the economic accident continues, as seems likely at this point, the group of education will may have to request that Congress allocate further funds to assure 2008-2009 federal trainee loans. On the basis of the degree of the crisis, this could also mean that, in future, fewer trainee loans may be accessible to borrowers.
Obama management Makes student Loans Accessible