Clay Burell, Quaker meetings, and knowledge

I am a huge fan of Clay Burell, now over at; he also has a wonderful blog Beyond School where he attacks schooliness and ragged thinking while bringing to life classics such as Gilgamesh.He recently posted a (justified) attack against a recent...
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tips menulis makalah

Tips Menulis MakalahTopik makalah yang menurut kamu membosankan, bisa saja menjadi menarik jika kamu berhasil melakukan pendekatan yang tepat. Sayangnya, tidak ada batasan yang pasti tentang bagaimana metode menulis makalah yang baik. Meskipun demikian,...
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A cautionary tale

King Ceanothus ruled the land and declared himself the Learner. He decreed all other children shall become learners, too.And the people rejoiced!"We must learn them everything!"So the children were taught this and the children were taught that, then...
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Snow day--a purely gratuitous post

It's a snow day--I'm snuggled up inside, bleary-eyed from too little sleep anticipating the snow day.The back's aching a bit from shoveling; I'm not a young man anymore. Imbolc is less than a week away. Spring becomes possible again.Leslie just mentioned...
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Mr. Spock, please call home....

The New Jersey Board of Education may adopt requirements mandating that all high school students pass Algebra II and Chemistry in order to get their sheepskin.On Monday, a few high voltage proponents of the change spoke to the NJ Assembly Education Committee."We...
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Camera obscura and critical thinking

In the olden days, a cameras (like a car motor) could be grasped with a little bit of sense and a dollop of curiosity.Light traveled through a piece of glass, a lens you could screw off the camera. Hold the lens a foot or two away, and the image flipped.The...
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Easy Grade Pro? More like Beer League

4.0.1a, released January 2007Fixes: Numerous problems related to summaries, standards, reports, copying, dropping and more have been corrected.4.0.3, released August 2008Fixes: Exporting XML Gradebook, dropping of scores, and several minor fixes4.0.3.15...
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Negara dan Konstitusi

BAB I PENDAHULUAN 1.1 Latar Belakang Reformasi menuntut dilakukannya amandemen atau mengubah UUD 1945 karena yang menjadi causa prima penyebab tragedi nasional mulai dari gagalnya suksesi kepemimpinan yang berlanjut kepada krisis sosial-politik,...
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Hukum Administrasi Negara

BAB I PENDAHULUAN I.I Latar Belakang Berdasarkan perspektif ilmu hukum administrasi, ada dua jenis hukum administrasi, yaitu pertama,hukum administrasi umum (allgemeem deel) , Yakni berkenaan dengan teori-teori dan prinsip-prinsip yang berlaku...
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