It is believed that dreams are rehashes of our daily experiences. Researchers suggest that dreams play crucial roles in the brain’s memory enhancement, although most of us do not recall our dreams when we wake up because our minds easily forget them. Dreams strengthen the connections between areas of the brain. Dreams release chemicals and hormones in the brain to help relax and de-stress the brain. Recent dream studies have shown that dreams are characterized as neurocognitive responses and are controlled by the body’s central nervous system.
Studies also suggest that dreams play an important role in the mental and physical development of a body during its first 10 years. Therapists and other specialists believe that dreams are a means for our subconscious mind to keep itself active. It is a venue for our feelings and thoughts we have encountered during previous days to be expressed. Almost all dreams are interpretations of recent experiences. It is a way for our minds to reflect and to recount the way we see our everyday activities.