Sigmund Freud once referred to a dream as "the royal road to the unconscious." The interest in dreams is as ancient as mankind. Dreams were first recorded in 1900 BC. Even the Bible’s Old Testament accounts tell of men exhibiting a curiosity for dreams. History also reveals that the Greeks, Babylonians, and Romans would interpret dreams and omens before their battles. Ancient civilizations believed that dreams were God’s way of speaking to them. The omens that they saw in dreams helped them foretell whether their battles would be successful or not.
Today, the interest in dreams and their interpretations is more popular than ever. Scientists now look at dreams as reflections of our daily experiences and thoughts. They also suggest that dreams are necessary elements of our humanity. When a person is deprived from his capacity to dream, there could be significant effects on his behavior. For example, studies show that people who are unable to dream have difficulties in concentrating and at times can be restless.