Day of Discovery - free educational conference

 Free educational conference in CT in October

I am writing to invite you to the Discovery Educator Network Pre-CECA Conference Day of Discovery.  This event will be held on Saturday, October 22 from 8:00 am - 3:30 pm at the Lincoln Middle School in Meriden, CT.  This is going to be an interactive day of free professional development which will highlight creative ways to engage students and invigorate your curriculum using the latest 21st century tools.

Dr. Lodge McCammon, a specialist in curriculum and media at the Friday Institute for Educational Innovation at North Carolina State University will be the featured presenter, along with many other talented educators. There will also be opportunity for you to participate in the Discovery Education Fall Virtual Conference that day.

You can also find information about the Day of Discovery on our blog at  
The full agenda is still being worked on, but there will be some great sessions by some great educators.

There is NO COST to you to attend this event.  Breakfast and lunch will be provided as well.  Please check out the invitation and register today.  You are encouraged to bring your own devices to the conference.  Wireless access will be available.

There will be some great prizes and give-away's also.

You can register at:

And don't forget to register for the CECA conference on Monday, October 24. The theme for this year's event is eNGAGE! Teaching and Learning in a Digital World. For information and to register please go to 

I look forward to seeing you there.

CT Leadership Council Discovery Educator Network

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