Napkin ed

If you cannot teach someone with no more than a napkin and a pen, or less, you should not teach.A few reasons why the napkin and pen (or beach and a stick) method is superior to anything that requires electricity:The nature of napkin ed requires one...
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Late December on the beach

A late December walk on the beach, feet exposed to sand and snow and sea, fixes just about anything.I found a live pipefish on the edge of the sea today. I tossed the writhing critter back into the surf, saw its silhouette in a wave just before it broke,...
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Jobs in Bahria University Pakistan

Welcome to Bahria University, an Institute of unbounded potential with quality and innovation as our guiding star. Since I took over as Rector Bahria University, I have observed an aptitude of limitless prospects within the students. It is my vision...
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The real war on Christmas

I don't care if folks at Target say "Merry Christmas" and those at Home Depot say "Happy Holidays." I love the returning light, however it is celebrated, and anyone who ties The Christ to merchants' manners needs to go poke his head back into the Gospels.Heck,...
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Pengertian Bank

Pengertian BankBank Secara sederhana dapat diartikan sebagai Lembaga keuangan yang kegiatan utamanya adalah menghimpun dana dari masyarakat dan menyalurkannya kembali dana tersebut ke masyarakat  serat memberikan jasa Bank lainnya.Pengertian Bank...
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An American rant

In that land the great experiment was to be made, by civilized man, of the attempt to construct society upon a new basis; and it was there, for the first time, that theories hitherto unknown, or deemed impracticable, were to exhibit a spectacle for...
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Altars of unhewn stone

Late December, slanted sunlight, frozen beach.The edge of the bay is slush now, uncountable crystals reflecting the low sunlight with each wave. Three months ago we were swimming here. Now we climb the frozen ridges defining the edge of the sea.We walked...
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The fire within

I warmed myself up tonight, shoveling snow off a patch of concrete. Orion, lying awkwardly on his back, shivered above as he aimed his bow at Taurus snorting high in the southeastern sky. On my way back in, I grabbed a handful of Brussels sprouts, plucked...
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Pengertian Waralaba atau Franchise

Pengertian Waralaba atau FranchiseDari wikipedia Bahasa Indonesia dijelaskan bahwa Waralaba  atau Franchising dalam bahasa Perancis artinya untuk kejujuran atau kebebasan merupakan hak-hak untuk menjual suatu produk atau jasa maupun layanan. Waralaba...
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Exam Time Table for First year Anna university chennai

Time Table for the first year of Anna university, chennai. This is comman to all branches except marine engineeringCommon to all B.E. /B.Tech.20/01/2011-185102: Fundamentals of Computing and Programming22/01/2011-186101: Technical English - I24/01/2011-181101:...
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"Like confessing a murder"

At last gleams of light have come, & I am almost convinced (quite contrary to opinion I started with) that species are not (it is like confessing a murder) immutable.Charles Darwin, letter to J.D. Hooker, January 11, 1844***Gallup poll, December,...
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Pengertian Handphone

Pengertian Handphone Handphone atau biasa disebut Telepon Genggam atau yang sering dikenal dengan nama Ponsel merupakan perangkat telekomunikasi elektronik yang mempunyai kemampuan dasar yang sama dengan telepon konvensional saluran tetap, namun dapat...
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Some great posts and resources to check out

Here are some great posts and resources to check out:Creating a Personal Learning Network - a personal learning network is vital for all educators. Learn how to get yours started.Google Body Browser - 3D layered image of human body. Great for Anatomy...
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Google Chrome OS and CR-48 notebook review and 1st impressions

A week ago Friday I was lucky enough to be chosen to receive a Google Chrome OS CR-48 notebook computer through Google's pilot program. Supposedly, Google is giving out 60,000 of these for testing. I have been using it as a primary computer on and off...
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Walls matter

Something there is that doesn't love a wall, That sends the frozen-ground-swell under it, And spills the upper boulders in the sun, And makes gaps even two can pass abreast.Robert Frost, from "Mending Wall"We are teachers. We focus on what it means to...
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BAB IPENDAHULUANA. Latar Belakang Istilah sikap yang dalam bahasa Inggris disebut attitude pertama kali digunakan oleh Herbert Spencer (1862), yang menggunakan kata ini untuk menunjuk suatu status mental seseorang. Kemudian pada tahun 1888 Lange menggunakan...


SHOLAT UNTUK PENGOBATAN DAN KESEHATANSelain melaksanakan perintah agama, mengobati kerinduan jiwa pada sang Pencipta, sholat juga punya efek yaitu menyehatkan tubuh. Seorang pakar ilmu pengobatan tradisional, Prof H Muhammad Hembing Wijayakusuma, telah...

Pengertian Reformasi

Pengertian ReformasiDari wikipedia bahasa Indonesia dijelaskan bahwa Reformasi merupakan suatu perubahan terhadap suatu sistem yang telah ada pada suatu masa.  Menurut Arti kata dalam bahasa indonesia  Pengertian Reformasi adalah perubahan...
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Pengertian Alay

Pengertian AlaySelo Soemaridjan Menjelaskan Definisi Alay sebagai sebuah perilaku remaja Indonesia, yang membuat dirinya merasa keren, cantik, hebat diantara yang lain. Hal ini bertentangan dengan sifat Rakyat Indonesia yang sopan, santun, dan ramah....
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A science teacher's gift guide for the larvae in your life

I'm a retired pediatrician, a high school teacher, and a Dad. I'm on the short side of this mortal coil thing now. I ignored decent advice when younger, and I expect you'll do the same. Still, it's a chilly late December eve, and I'm in the mood to...
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Scitable - biology and life science resource

Scitable is a resource site for teachers that contains resources, links, lesson plans for genetics and cell biology. There are also resources for science careers.There are news articles, links, topic resources, videos, animations, and graphics.The site...
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Tech Ease - great tech support site for educators

Tech Ease is a site by the University of South Florida that provides tech support resources for educators. The site is broken down by Mac, Windows, and accessibility uses. Under each, there are subtopics such as using computers in the classroom,...
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