Definisi Kemiskinan

Pengertian Kemiskinan
Kemiskinan adalah keadaan dimana terjadi kekurangan hal-hal yang biasa untuk dipunyai seperti makanan , pakaian , tempat berlindung dan air minum, hal-hal ini berhubungan erat dengan kualitas hidup . Kemiskinan kadang juga berarti tidak adanya akses terhadap pendidikan dan pekerjaan yang mampu mengatasi masalah kemiskinan dan mendapatkan kehormatan yang layak sebagai warga
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Definisi Distilasi/Destilasi

Pengertian Distilasi

Distilasi adalah seni memisahkan dan pemurnian dengan menggunakan perbedaan titik didih. Distilasi memiliki sejarah yang panjang dan asal distilasi dapat ditemukan di zaman kuno untuk mendapatkan ekstrak tumbuhan yang diperkirakan dapat merupakan sumber kehidupan.Teknik distilasi ditingkatkan ketika kondenser (pendingin) diperkenalkan. Gin dan whisky, dengan
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Nat Geo's Traveler's Guide to the Planets

National Geographic's Traveler's Guide to the Planets is a wonderful, fun, visually spectacular resource for students learning about our solar system and the planets. When you first arrive at the site, it has a stunning, exciting opening animation and then it gets to the main page.

The main page, seen above, has two panels. The left side panel allows you to select which planet you want to learn about (Pluto is still listed, Earth is not since we live there) and what you want to know about each planet. The site is set up as a true traveler's guide and includes info such as history, trivia, sites, advice, climate, and luggage. This is a great way to get students to learn about the planets in a new way.

I had a lot of fun going through the site and learned some new things about the planets. It is appropriate for grades 5-12 (and maybe even younger with some teacher help).

READ MORE - Nat Geo's Traveler's Guide to the Planets

CSI: The Experience Web Adventures

CSI: The Experience Web Adventures is a great web site that teaches students about forensics and then gives them virtual cases to work on and apply their knowledge. It is supported by the National Science Foundation and partners Fort Worth Museum of Science and History, American Federation of Forensic Sciences, CBS, and Rice University Center for Technology in Teaching and Learning. Some pretty big names!

There are three different cases for students to solve ranging from beginner to intermediate to advanced. Each case has the student learning new topics and concepts in order to solve the case. The cases are very well written and designed and I had fun trying them out.

The site also has a reference section for help with the cases, topics and characters and the "fun stuff" section has an educators guide with lessons and activities, family guide and more to make the experience even better.

This is a great site and experience for any science student. It is definitely appropriate for grades 9-12 and I think 7-8 could do very well too.

READ MORE - CSI: The Experience Web Adventures

Wall Street Transparency and Accountability Act of 2010

"We have to educate our
way to a better economy."

There's seems to be a very basic confusion here, the kind of confusion that separates the wrench from the rhetoric crowd.

If Arne means the extractive economy, where access to dollars and power leads to more dollars, more power, well, the clever will win, as they have, as they will. We have as much a distribution as a production problem here in the States, and even if a degree from the Katharine Gibbs College held the gravitas of sheepskin from Yale, not all of us can run our own mutual fund company.

I agree our kids need a dose of financial literacy. I'd start by bringing in a bowl of dollar bills, buttered, salted, and fried to a nice crispiness, then ask my students to snack on them.
Dr. D, you're weird....

What do you need?

Oxygen. Water. Food. Shelter. Warmth.

Money helps fit you into the distribution system--everything listed above costs you something except oxygen, and some day that will be marketed as well.

A college degree will help you gain access to the money world--you do not need to know a blessed thing about how life works to join the fray. I got a tiny jolt of comfort learning that the Wall Street reform bill starts in the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry.

If Wall Street can be held accountable to anything, it will be the laws of nature. I'm not holding my breath--that'd be unnatural--but if the Senate cannot fix this, the limits of biomass production will.
READ MORE - Wall Street Transparency and Accountability Act of 2010

foto Dian Sastro di sauna (NO SOTOSOP)

Diandra Paramitha Sastrowardoyo, lebih dikenal masyarakat luas dengan nama Dian Sastro (lahir di Jakarta, 16 Maret 1982

Dian Memulai kariernya di dunia hiburan pada tahun 1996, sebagai juara 1 di ajang GADIS Sampul yang diadakan majalah GADIS. Ia disebut-sebut sebagai ikon kebangkitan film nasional bersama rekannya di film AADC, Nicholas Saputra. Film pertamanya Bintang Jatuh (2000), karya Rudi Sujarwo, diedarkan indie di kampus-kampus dan tidak ditayangkan di bioskop. Di film tersebut Dian beradu akting dengan Marcella Zalianty, Garry Iskak dan Indra Birowo. Film selanjutnya di tahun 2001, Pasir Berbisik menyandingkannya untuk beradu akting dengan Christine Hakim, Slamet Rahardjo dan Didi Petet. Lewat film ini, Dian dianugerahi pemeran wanita terbaik pada Festival Film Internasional Singapura (2002) dan Festival Film Asia di Deauville, Perancis (2002).

Dian juga pernah menjadi pembawa acara kuis Super Miliarder 3 Miliar yang ditayangkan di ANTV. Selain itu ia juga pernah membintangi serial TV yang berjudul Dunia Tanpa Koma di RCTI

Cintanya kepada dunia film Indonesia dibuktikan Dian dengan kontribusinya di film terbarunya, Drupadi. Selain berakting di depan layar, Dian juga bertindak sebagai produser di film ini.

Pembawa obor di ajang Olimpiade 2008 ini kembali disandingkan bersama Nicholas Saputra di sebuah film. Film 3 Doa 3 Cinta merupakan film dengan nuansa religius yang dibesut oleh sutradara Nurman Hakim. Di ajang International Festival of Asian Cinema Vesoul, 3 Doa 3 Cinta berhasil membawa pulang penghargaan Grand Prize of the International Jury.

* TK : Don Bosco
* SD : SD Strada Van Lith II, Duren Sawit, Jakarta
* SLTP: SMP Vincentius Otista, Jakarta
* SLTA: SMA Tarakanita I, Pulo Raya, Jakarta
* S1 : Jurusan Filsafat, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Indonesia
* Sebelum kuliah di filsafat UI, Dian sempat kuliah di Fakultas Hukum UI

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dian sastro

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Definisi Angka Penting

Pengertian Angka Penting
Angka penting adalah bilangan yang diperoleh dari hasil pengukuran yang terdiri dari angka-angka penting yang sudah pasti (terbaca pada alat ukur) dan satu angka terakhir yang ditafsir atau diragukan. Bila kita mengukur panjang suatu benda dengan mistar berskala mm (mempunyai batas ketelitian 0,5 mm) dan melaporkan hasilnya dalam 4 angka penting, yaitu 114,5 mm. Jika
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Tessa marisska playing 3 balls !

So guys, tell us, which one is the real ball ? Ask Tessa herself...

PALING HOT....!!!:

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University Financial Aid is a Boon

With the world economy what it is in the present day more and more families are trying to obtain financial aid for their children who are studying colleges for their degree. Many people find that educating their children is becoming a burden especially with the colleges charging such exorbitant amounts for fancy degrees. But statistics go to prove that college or university education goes a long way in securing better and higher paying careers.

There are many financial aids that help people in such situations. In fact many colleges themselves offer financial help to deserving students and many of them also counsel the student regarding how to go about obtaining this aid from various federal aids.

The federal-aid for college students are in the form of scholarships, grants and sponsored loans that are given to the students based on their academic performances. There are also some state organizations that offer grants to worthy students.

While applying for university financial-aid programs, you have to ascertain that the application forms are accurately and consistently filled. In fact many parents do not even attempt to apply as they feel that they do not qualify or are rather demoralized by the intricate and perplexing paper work that it entails. As per the records of the US Department of Education, most of the applications for financial aids are discarded for want of proper details.

Very often you will find that parents are misinformed about the subject of funding, and believe it or not, most of this information it is supposed to have been received from reliable sources.

One way you can apply for financial help is to fill out the Free Application for Federal Students Aid (FASA). Next step would be to get in touch with the financial-aid office to know more about the new grants and scholarships that will be available shortly. You can also look up the internet for online enquiry about various scholarships. The idea is to apply for as many scholarships as possible in the hope that one or the other will click.

READ MORE - University Financial Aid is a Boon

Pengertian Tehnik Penilaian Nontes

Pengertian Tehnik  Penilaian Nontes
Tehnik penilaian nontes berarti melaksanakan penilain dengan tidak mengunakan tes. Tehnik penilaian ini umumnya untuk menilai kepribadian anak secara menyeluruh meliputi sikap, tingkah laku, sifat, sikap sosial, ucapan, riwayat hidup dan lain-lain. Yang berhubungan dengan kegiatan belajar dalam pendidikan, baik secara individu maupun secara kelompok.

READ MORE - Definisi Drama

Seeking Help From Student Loan Consolidation Experts

So, you have graduated from your college or university after spending a few years there. Of course, you'll feel proud and you're excited to be embarking on your new career. At the same time, you can't help but feel overwhelmed by the debt you incurred during college or university. You've flipped through student loans documents over and over again. You started to worry whether you can really afford to pay all these on your new salary. If you're in this situation, it may be time to start looking for student loan consolidation experts.

Now, you are probably trying to avoid this but before dismissing this option and afraid of sinking into more debt, you have to know that are not going to take on any new debt. Think of the advantages that you are going to get from these professionals. Do you know that a student loan consolidation expert can help you set up a plan to repay your debts in one monthly payment? In other words, one that is probably much lower than the payments you are expecting.

Seeking help from these student loan consolidation experts is easy and they can even explain this simple process via the telephone. What happen is, your student loan consolidation company will pay off the balances on your student loans. That means you can just dump all those numerous bills and make only one payment every month with ease. Student loan consolidation experts will definitely make paying back student loans less stressful and simpler.

Not only that you don't have to deal with multiple loan bills monthly, student loan consolidation experts can also help if you feel you can't afford the monthly payments on your student loans. Normally, student loans will have a ten or fifteen year payback time frame. However, if you consolidate your student loans, the repayment time frame can be stretched to thirty years. Therefore, the student loan consolidation experts can help you to lower your monthly payments by up to 54%. Well, how about that?

So in conclusion, whether you wish the ease of paying one monthly bill or you simply want to lower your interest rate and monthly payment, you owe it to yourself to talk to student loan consolidation experts. Remember, a phone conference is totally free, so you really have nothing to lose but everything to gain!

READ MORE - Seeking Help From Student Loan Consolidation Experts

Training wheels

"Your shower shoes have fungus on them. You'll never make it to the bigs with fungus on your shower shoes. Think classy, you'll be classy. If you win 20 in the show, you can let the fungus grow back and the press'll think you're colorful. Until you win 20 in the show, however, it means you are a slob."

Crash Davis to Nuke, in Bull Durham

Teaching in a public school system is, for me anyway, a shot at the show.

I used to practice medicine. I was pretty good at it, but it consumed pretty much every waking moment, and as the years went by, docs lost quite a bit of their autonomy. I also reached a point where I wasn't going to get much better.

I love to stargaze. A fellow stargazer, a walking star atlas who could pinpoint any deep sky object anyone could name, reminisced about when he began, back when he still got lost looking for the moon. There is joy in the process of mastery, in emerging through the fog of failure into competence.

I practice teaching now, and while I'm not yet half the teacher I was the doc, I'm getting better. It's fun, and I doubt I'll master the classroom in the years I have left. If I do, well, I always wanted to try plumbing.
Most of my fellow teachers work hard, very hard, and love what they do.

Some teachers complain very publicly about lack of respect, about the need to be recognized as professionals.

First, understand the backlash. We have jobs. We're paid decently, we have good benefits, and we have a lot of days off.

Teachers with a decade or two under their belts make far more per hour than I did as a pediatrician. Most do not have 6 figure debt at graduation, and their apprenticeship was a mere 17 weeks, not several years.

I went into pediatrics because I enjoyed working with kids, and I worked in the projects because that was where I was needed.

I presume you teach because you enjoy working with kids, and I hope you feel like you're doing something useful.

A profession is a calling. I'm not sure where teaching lies--for some it's a profession, for some it's a wonderful job, but still just a job, and for a few miserable folks, it's a trap baited by a pension a lifetime away.

If you're going to complain about not being treated as a professional, toss the shower shoes. The public does not define professionalism, our behavior does. If teaching is not a vocation, literally "a calling," then it's just a job.

And that's OK, too--so long as you keep working to improve.
READ MORE - Training wheels

Debt Elimination: Legal! Lawful! Ethical! Debt Elimination Really Works

You are trying hard to eliminate your loans but keep falling back on your old ways. This constantly leads you back to square one situation and debts seem like they are ever increasing. This is the time to go for debt elimination. The good news is that you are not alone, if you are thinking about debt elimination. The bad news is you still haven't really started this journey. That means you are still in debt.

It is always difficult to know which way to start from. Average household debt in UK is £44857 including mortgage and £7,694 excluding mortgage.UK has seen a rapid increase in household debts which means that more than half of the people have trouble meeting their monthly payments, and being driven further and further into debt. With an average family having 14 credit cards, and various other debts - debt elimination seems only logical. However, debt elimination doesn't always seem easy.

Before going for Debt elimination, you have to understand your debt situation. Understanding debt elimination is equally necessary. Then only you would be able to decide which one would eliminate both the creditors and debts from your life. You have an interesting compilation to choose from. Debt elimination includes - debt consolidation loans, debt management, debt consolidation, debt negotiation, debt settlement, debt counselling etc.

Debt consolidation loans are a very popular way to debt elimination. Overdue bills payment, each month, is devastating for financial freedom. Debt consolidation loans can certainly reduce your monthly payments and your interest rates. Debt elimination with debt consolidation reduces your debt by consolidating all your credit card debts, auto loans, education loans, unsecured loans into a single loan. You can save a lot while moving towards debt elimination.

A very important process in debt elimination is debt management. Debt management looks for a financial plan that suits your financial circumstance. A debt elimination plan would consolidate all your unsecured debts into single, affordable monthly payment. This payment is carefully calculated by a trained debt consultant, who with the debtor's assistance reviews their financial position and quote a payment which ensures financial control. This amount is calculated keeping in mind the monthly expenses of the debtor. This debt elimination sees to it that the debtor doesn't miss any of his commitment like mortgage, rent, car finance, utility bills etc.

Debt elimination with debt counselling can provide you with debt advice for financial planning. This sort of debt elimination would prevent you from getting into future debt. Debt counselling services can talk to your creditors about reducing interest rate, eliminating late fees and extending loan term. For debt elimination, search a debt counselling agency that is the member of National Foundation for Credit Counselling (NFCC) or the Association of Independent Consumer Credit Counseling Agencies (AICCCA).

Debt elimination through debt negotiation is one of the fastest ways to remove credit card debts and personal loans while avoiding bankruptcy. By negotiating debt, debt can be reduced by 40%-60%. Debt elimination via negotiation is like the last resort. The lender has little enthusiasm to work out reconciliation for a payless on the full amount. Hence, debt negotiation is a tricky situation and should be handled by a reliable debt negotiator. Yet, at times debt elimination through negotiation is the only logical solution. Under normal circumstances debt counselling should be the first step.

Debts are not meant to be a permanent affair. It is one affair you will regret unquestionably. Debt elimination is the beginning of the road called debt free. You cannot separate one from the other. They are related and go hand in hand with each other. If you have struggled a good deal with loans and that too with unsuccessful results then debt elimination is meant for you. The destination called debt free begins with debt elimination.

READ MORE - Debt Elimination: Legal! Lawful! Ethical! Debt Elimination Really Works

Pengertian RAPBPP

Pengertian RAPBPP

Anggaran adalah rencana yang diformulasikan dalam bentuk rupiah dalam jangka waktu atau periode tertentu, serta alokasi sumber-sumber kepada setiap bagian kegiatan. Anggaran memiliki peran penting didalam perencanaan, pengendalian dan evaluasi kegiatan yang dilakukan pondok pesantren. Maka seorang penanggung jawab program kegiatan dipesantren harus mencatat anggaran serta

Pengertian Demokrasi

Pengertian Demokrasi

Kata demokrasi berasal dari bahasa Yunani yaitu demos yang berarti rakyat dan kratos yang berarti pemerintahan. Sehingga demokrasi dapat diartikan pemerintahan dari rakyat dari rakyat, oleh rakyat, untuk rakyat. Pemerintahan yang kewenangannya pada rakyat. Semua anggota masyarakat (yang memenuhi syarat ) diikutsertakan dalam kehidupan kenegaraan dalam aktivitas pemilu.

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