Pre-University Education in USA

Pre-University Education prepares students for the GCE “A” Level examination at the end of the 2-year junior college or 3-year centralised institute course. Students who completed their pre-university education will receive a School Graduation Certificate1.
Parents who wish to change their GIRO account can go to their banks to effect the change directly. If parents wish to effect the change of GIRO account through MOE, they are to submit the Termination Form (.doc 109kb) together with the new GIRO Application Form to MOE. For termination of GIRO arrangement, parents can effect the termination at their banks or make the request through MOE by submitting the Termination Form (109kb .doc).
Financial assistance schemes are available to help needy students pay their fees. Parents who wish to apply for financial assistance may approach their child’s school for the application form. You can also download the Financial Assistance Scheme Application Form. All application forms must be submitted together with the relevant documents to the schools directly.

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