Its the general concern that we love our mother tongue and we consider it to be "Prime Language" to others.Even though the World is speaking in English everywhere we want to reflect our language to wherever we leave our thoughts n talks (ie Online,documents,media) just like we talk and send sms to our friends.Nowadays we have technology and improved algorithms to make it happen ,yeah..what we think in our mind can be written digitally shared n saved..
Show your Presence:
Most of us have a page in Facebook ,Twitter ,Orkut and other popular social sharing websites,we do share and we communicate with our friends.The primary language is set to English by default,why dont you think of to set to our preferred language or own mother tongue as they have option for almost any language to go with,that are currently being speaken all around the world.
All i say is "
Do what your beat says"
Dont follow what someone do..
Language Translation Tool:
The language translation tool is easy to use to show off your soul..If you are a Indonesian or Indian or malay or whatever language may be..The unicode and fonts to adopt your language has been simplfied and altered to accept almost in all applications.To write and translate in online,follow this method..
*;go to
*;Select your typing language( you know English,jus type in )
*;Select whch language you want your typed text been translated to .
For example : You type in English " How are you " and select the output as Indonesian.
then you will get translated to "Apa kabar".
Communicate with Friends:
with your own language tool in hand why do we go for another way by leaving this unused .Its created for you to use, if no one use mean then how do the creators gave update or upgraded version with improved features.
Speak more,chat more,communicate more,share your knowledge thoughts,ideas with your friends (of course why not me)....with your own satisfied way..Create your own destiny.!!!
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