Why don't any boys like me?

It's normal for you to want to be liked by boys as you get older, especially if your friends have official boyfriends and you don't. To answer the question, there's no way of knowing for sure that a boy doesn't like you right now. Someone might like you and just be too shy to say anything. Or maybe a boy that you consider a friend likes you, but you never thought of him that way.
The middle school years are a funny time for romance. Some kids are thinking a lot about the people they like and other kids aren't too interested yet in having a girlfriend or boyfriend. Some girls or boys start to "go out" with someone and then say to themselves, "Oh, my. This is too weird!"
Chances are excellent that a boy will like you someday, and hopefully he will be brave enough to say so. Until then, enjoy your friends who are boys and think about the qualities you like in a boy. Do you like boys who are funny, smart, or athletic? Or maybe all three?
Reviewed by: Mary L. Gavin, MD
Date reviewed: July 2010

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