Another Arne rant

Arne Duncan and company just gave $170 million to develop tests to make sure your child is corporate ready once she leaves high school.

This is an example of the sorts of questions Achieve has already used:

Tom Hoffman just did a quick deconstruction of the Common Core ELA standards. Go read it.

A traditional liberal arts curriculum aligned to these standards, or, for that matter, a project-based curriculum, is only held up in Common Core by a few heavily strained pegs.

A traditional liberal arts education is an anathema to a power structure dependent on, well, idiocy creating a functional but uncritical pool of labor.

Maybe I'm confused--I thought the government belonged to "we the people" and that it exists for our needs.

By design, "Achieve's board consists of six governors (three Democrats and three Republicans) and six CEOs."

I don't give a rat's ass what any governor thinks but mine--a governor's authority stops at the state line, no matter what party though 'd be hard pressed to distinguish the two mentioned. CEO's belong in boardrooms, not classrooms--they've already done enough damage.

It is to our utter shame that our government allowed our public education to be hijacked under our noses by private enterprise using our money.

Follow the money....

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