Compare and contrast...

The road to student failure is littered with teachers' assumptions.I thought I had prepared a decent lesson. We looked at a "compare and contrast" open-ended question. I carefully reviewed what each term meant. The students seemed to get it. Compare...
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Another friend with breast cancer

A friend has just been diagnosed with a recurrence of breast cancer. She has a young daughter.While I pretend to teach science in the classroom, quite a few of the young women I teach today will lose a breast (or two) in the next few decades because...
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Raising the bar in New Jersey

New Jersey has a plan.New Jersey has a plan to require all students to take pass chemistry, to pass Algebra II, to be ready for college or the workforce.In order to ensure that students succeed in college level courses without remediation, or they are...
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Konsep Dasar Mengenai Produktivitas Kerja

Konsep Dasar Mengenai Produktivitas Kerja Upaya meningkatkan produktivitas kerja tidak dipandang sebagai hal yang bersifat teknis. Segi-segi lain yang bahkan dapat berperan sebagai faktor penentu keberhasilan upaya tersebut menurut Sondang P. Siagian...
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Why I fear the American Diploma Project

I've been reading Wendell Berry again. He's a teacher, a farmer, a writer, and a prophet. He gets me thinking, and thinking gets me trouble.***I teach high school science. I also prepare students for the New Jersey End of Course Biology Test. While these...
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Instant safety

Hallowe'en is coming.I love Hallowe'en--death in small doses can be fun.The dead reach across the dying sunlight, to tell us what?The occasional glimpse at death, your death, your inevitable death, can tilt your priorities a bit. Most of us could use...
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Pengertian Produktivitas Kerja

Suatu perusahaan yang ingin tumbuh dan berkembang selalu berupaya meningkatkan produktivitas kerja sebagai sistem organisasi tersebut, termasuk sistem manajemen, sistem fungsional dan sistem operasional. Bukan merupakan hal yang baru apabila dikatakan...
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BAGAIMANA FORD MENGELOLA LINGKUNGANNYA Ford Motor Compay mempunyai sebuah sejarah panjang tentang penemuan cara inovatif cara untuk mengelola lingkungannya ( Pemasok, Pelanggannya). Dalam rangka untuk mengendalikan sumber-sumber daya yang Ford perlukan....

Skripsi Bahasa Inggris (the students’ strategies in composing narrative writing)

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Background of the Problem English is the first foreign language in our country, which is taught from Elementary level to University level. English is also intensively used in international communication, in written as well...
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Late October

The morning glories stay in bloom all day--the sun too low to coax them to close. A few bursts of flowers— nicotianas, wild aster, and marigolds beckon the slow, more-bumbly-than-ever bees. The ground is cool and wet, and occasionally mud squishes...
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Konsep dan Teori Motivasi

Konsep motivasi yang dijelaskan oleh suwanto (2001:150) adalah sebagai berikut Model Tradisional Untuk memotivasi pegawai agar gairah kerja meningkat perlu diterapkan sistem insentif dalam bentuk uang atau barang kepada pegawai yang berprestasi....
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Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Motivasi

Walaupun setiap individu karyawan mempunyai keinginan yang berbeda-beda, tetapi ada kesamaan dalam kebutuhannya, yaitu setiap manusia ingin hidup dan untuk hidup perlu makan dan manusia normal mempunyai harga diri. Keinginan dan kebutuhan manusia...
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When I pour the pints of flocculated yeast left in the bottom of my carboy down the sink, I feel a twinge of regret. As the scummy sludge burbles its way down the drain, I say a brief prayer, thanking the little guys for their work, hoping each bud...

A water question. Any takers?

Water is weird.I love the story of Erasto Mpemba, a high school student in Tanzania who (back in 1963) trusted his eyes more than his teacher. Mpemba noticed that his warm ice cream mix froze faster than cooler batches.Aristotle apparently knew this...
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Nia Ramadhani, a hot beach scene....

Still, we love this chick.... this is why I love beach so much!Still i love this bra! I got a flat stomach!Click here to get Nia Ramadhani FRESH HOT PICTURES to your inbox...
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Tastes like (organic) chicken

That's my sister-in-law Gail.She's slaughtering organic chickens. She looks happy!Organically raised chickens taste good, don't require antibiotics, make good use of the land, and promote sustainable living.They don't, however, slaughter themselves.***Some...
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Titrate until comfortable

Autumn has arrived.The leaves are falling like colorful snowflakes. The sweet, sharp smell of autumn's decay reminds me death is inevitable, an unpleasant thought in the spring--makes sense in October. An occasional large raindrop splattered the ground.I...
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The Cut Tari Orgasm...

Cut Tari, the Aceh bitch, been annoying us with her explicit pose below.... these boobs are for everyone! Be prepared !join me to joy of sex!Guess Am I wearing underwear or not ?Click here to get Cut Tari's underwear to your inbox...
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Jenis-jenis Motivasi

Dengan hanya mengetahui teori-teori tentang motivasi serta memahami apa yang menjadi kebutuhan manusia tidaklah cukup, oleh karena itu dalam pelaksanaan motivasi pihak manajer harus mengetahui jenis-jenis motivasi agar dapat diterapkan model motivasi...
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Tujuan dan Manfaat Motivasi

Motivasi sangat penting artinya bagi parusahaan, karena motivasi merupakan bagian dari kegiatan perusahaan dalam proses pembinaan, pengembangan dan pengarahan manusia dalam bekerja. Dalam melaksanakan suatu pekerjaan seorang pegawai harus memiliki motivasi...
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Motivasi merupakan keinginan, hasrat motor penggerak dalam diri manusia, motivasi berhubungan dengan faktor psikologi manusia yang mencerminkan antara sikap, kebutuhan, dan kepuasan yang terjadi pada diri manusia sedangkan daya dorong yang diluar diri...

More evidence these are the last days....

Just when things were getting really on the above image and read the last headline.This is the Google Science news.It now includes horoscopes.And yet I continue to hope to teach science in this cultu...
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Save the Earth (er...wait...I got a date with St. Peter)

This week I am tackling human influence on the environment.Language does odd things with ideas--that we can separate "human" from "environment," as though we were superimposed on a world made just for us, says a lot about the way we view the world.Be...
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