Know the Financial Aid Application Deadlines for Your State
It is important that you pay attention to the deadlines for submitting financial aid forms. Missing a deadline seriously impacts your ability to obtain federal and state financial aid as well as institutional aid and scholarships.
We have compiled a list of state deadlines for February and March 2010 as well as provided some tips to help you and your family understand how financial aid deadlines work.
- The FAFSA is the federal application for financial aid, but it is also used to apply for aid from other sources, such as the state or school.
- The deadlines for the state or schools may be different from the federal deadlines and you may be required to complete additional forms.
- Check with your high school guidance counselor or a financial aid administrator at your school about state and school sources of student aid.
- Refer to the state in which you live, not the state of the school that you may attend.
- Pay close attention to the school's definition of an application deadline - whether it is the receipt date and time or the process date and time of the application.
- California - March 2, 2010 for initial awards. For additional community college awards - September 2, 2010 date postmarked +*
- Connecticut - February 15, 2010 #*
- Idaho - March 1, 2010 Opportunity Grant @#*
- Indiana - March 10, 2010 &
- Kentucky - March 15, 2010 &#
- Maryland - March 1, 2010 &
- Michigan - March 1, 2010 &
- North Dakota - March 15, 2010 &
- Oregon - March 1, 2010 OSAC Scholarship - Oregon Opportunity Grant - check with your financial aid administrator
- Rhode Island - March 1, 2010 &#
- Tennessee - February 15, 2010 - For State Grant @# . For State Lottery - September 1, 2010 @#
(If your state is not listed it's only because it has a deadline later than March 2010. Visit College Preparation Events again to check on the financial aid application deadline for additional states.)
* -Additional form may be required. Contact your financial aid administrator or your state agency
# - For priority consideration, submit application by date specified.
@ - Deadline by midnight, Central Daylight Time
& - Deadline by midnight, Central Standard Time.
For more information on completing the FAFSA form: