Contoh surat proposal mohon bantuan

Here is sample of Letter of asking help to a money funds or asking to person for public need in Indonesian language. And I hope this simple example could be a little help to those who still confuse to write letter. As we know there a big possibility that our ask will success when we use suit word and words that have power to persuade the one intend which is hard to budge before. once more time I hope this simple step could be help for Indonesian people, student who seek samples letter to get lot references. Don’t hesitate to visit this blog for checking update. see you soon! :mrgreen:

berikut adalah contoh surat atau contoh proposal permohonan bantuan sederhana dan mengena untuk proposal pembuatan pos kamling, pembangunan jalan, proposal pengerasan dalam bahasa Indonesia. semoga contoh surat ini bermanfaat untuk anda:

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