This week's Arneisms

"D.C. has had more money than God for a long time, but the outcomes are still disastrous."

Arne Duncan
as told to the Washington Post

Which God? I want evidence! How much money did God have? Where did it all go? Did God's children pass the NAEP?

Does God feed us coins?

My garden says otherwise.
Food is a gift unearned, meant to be shared.

Does He bathe us in liquidities?
The rain and the rivers and the ocean say otherwise.
Water is a gift unearned, meant to be shared.

Does He manipulate the stocks Pacifi
c Lumber?
The trees say otherwise.
Shelter is a gift unearned, meant to be shared.

Let's keep God out of this--I know it's just an expression, but it's offensive to some, nonsensical to most.

We also have to make it easier to get rid of teachers when student achievement isn't happening.

Arne Duncan
as told to the Washington Post

Those pesky teachers! You try scrubbing them out, and they just won't go away.

Yes, of course, he does not mean all teachers, and yes, of course, by "rid" he simply meant not rehiring teachers who cannot, for whatever reasons, adequately teach.

Our students just took the HSPA test last week. Part of the exam focuses on persuasive writing.

I wonder how Mr. Duncan would have scored with that response.

Photos by Kevin Long of the Associated Press found here.

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