Google for Educators - Resources for using Google in school

I am a huge proponent and user of Google tools, both for myself and in my classroom. Here are some great resources for educators who want to learn more about using Google's many tools in their classroom.

Last week, Kathy Schrock posted a great interactive image of Google tools listed by Bloom's taxonomy levels. It is a great way to search for Google tools as you work to create activities for your students.

Google for Educators Mind Map is an interesting site that has resources for educators for using Google tools  in the classroom. It has classroom posters, links to Google tools by topic, links to help resources, and links to discussions and more about Google. It is another great place to get started using Google tools in education.

Google For Educators - Google's official page for educators. Has links, tips, and more.

Google Apps Education

Google Accessibility - Google's page with tips, links and resources for using accessibility features in Google tools.

Google Accessibility

Google List of Tools - this page has a listing of the major Google tools available.

Google Tools for Schools - tutorials, links, resources, and tips on using Google tools in the classroom

Google Tutor - how-to's, tech tips, and more on Google tools

Guide to Google for Educators - free 33 page guide on Google for Educators from Richard Byrne.

Google Apps Education Training Center - how to use Google apps effectively in education

100 Ways Google Can Make you a Better Educator - examples of how to use Google tools in different ways in the class room

Google for Educators -  presentation on Prezi

Google for Educators Resource Handout - handout from a Google for Educators workshop

Google A-Z - a Google Doc that keeps expanding as people add Google tools to it. Pretty much covers every tool and app Google has.

Google Things to Do - 52 Different Things you can do with Google - and how to do them

Getting Started with Google Sites and Blogger - tips and instructions for using Google Sites and Blogger

iGoogle as an organizational / educational tool - using iGoogle to get organized (teachers and students)

Google has hundreds of tools and apps and they are all useful for teachers and students (and free).

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