DJ Icha Davina, I swear to you she's hawt !

Simple, young, energetic and talented. That's how we can describe this hot Indonesian model from Sumatra Island. She's disc jockey, cool huh ? Through hands scratches with distinctive tone notation, Icha Davina seemed to melt together with the curve of her sexy and fantastic body wow !

mimitmamatAll is in da hauze !!

mimitmamatCurve...repeat curve !!

mimitmamatDid I say curve already ?

READ MORE - DJ Icha Davina, I swear to you she's hawt !

Military Service Brings Many College Opportunities: Memorial Day Edition

This a Special Edition for Memorial Day.  

There are many college admission and scholarship opportunities that are connected to veterans and military service.  Scholarships exist for veterans, those who are on active duty as well as children of veterans.   Some scholarships are sponsored by veterans organizations, but do not require that the student or parent have a connection to the military.  Here is the best of the web for higher education opportunities.
First here is information to help with the FAFSA for veterans:
According to
Veterans Education Benefits are usually treated as resources, not income, for federal student aid purposes.  there are however, a few exceptions.
Combat Pay and Other Untaxed income can be a source of confusion about the FAFSA
Veterans Status for Student Aid Purposes is not necessarily the same as veteran status for VA purposes.

VFW Scholarships
Scholarship Deadlines:
Voice of Democracy - November 1
Patriots' Pen Youth Essay-November 1
Scouting Scholarships - March 1
Every year, hundreds of thousands of students participate in the Voice of Democracy Scholarship Competition and the Patriots' Pen Essay Contest, garnering more than $3.4 million in scholarships and incentives.

In addition, the VFW honors an outstanding scout through the VFW Scout of the Year Scholarship Program.  For more information go to VFW.

Another Resource:
READ MORE - Military Service Brings Many College Opportunities: Memorial Day Edition

Ririn Ekawati, The Indosiar babe...

Have you ever known that she's twins ? Ririn also play in Indosiar's Muslimah soap operA...HER SISTER NAMED rINI yULIANTI..SHE LOVES TO CLUBBING ! eNJOY !

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Click here to get Ririn Ekawati FRESH HOT PICTURES to your inbox !
READ MORE - Ririn Ekawati, The Indosiar babe...

Ririn Ekawati ,The antagonistic princess..

ririn EkawatiFlirt like a flicker....

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ririn Ekawatiyeah, Alcohol....

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Get Other HOT and Fresh Ririn here !
READ MORE - Ririn Ekawati ,The antagonistic princess..


What do you see guys ?

cup of her....

is bless for raffi....

and dream for us....

You see the silicon ?

Where is it ?

There' they are....

Click here to get Yuni Shara Fresh HOT Images to your inbox directly !

More Money Comes with Knowing

There are federal grants, scholarships, loans  and the bank of mom and dad, but don't forget money from your state.  Knowing how the financial aid process works and knowing the deadlines is critical to increasing your aid for college.

Here are a couple of the remaining state grant financial aid deadlines.

DC (District of Columbia) - June 30, 2010
Iowa - July 1, 2010
Louisiana - July 1, 2010
Tennessee - Has a State Lottery Program deadline September 1, 2010
Mississippi - September 15, 2010 - for MTAG and MESG Grants
New Jersey - October 1, 2010 for applications other than the Tuition Aid Grant

You might also like: 
READ MORE - More Money Comes with Knowing

Skripsi Ipa Pendidikan Biologi BAB III a.k.a. Contoh Artikel Skrpsi Tentang Biologi




Dalam menyelesaikan suatu masalah atau persoalan dituntut untuk mempunyai cara penyelesaian, demikian pula halnya dengan permasalahan skripsi ini. Penulis akan mempergunakan cara atau metode pendekatan sebagai berikut:


A. Jenis Penelitian

Penelitian ini termasuk kategori penelitian "eksperimental". Karena untuk mengetahui pengaruh variabel bebas terhadap variabel lain (terikat) dilakukan manipulasi dalam artian bahwa data yang terambil merupakan hasil perlakuan yang dilakukan pada sampel penelitian.


B. Variabel Penelitian

Penelitian ini mempunyai dua variabel yaitu; media gambar sebagai variabel indefenden (variabel bebas) yang selanjutnya disebut faktor X, prestasi belajar IPA-Biologi sebagai variabel defendant (variabel terikat) yang selanjutnya disebut faktor Y.



C. Definisi Operasional

Untuk memahami judul skripsi ini, berikut dipaparkan beberapa batasan operasional yang dianggap perlu.

1.    Pengaruh adalah daya yang ada atau yang timbul dari (orang, benda dan sebagainya) yang berkuasa atau berkekuatan (W.J.S. Purwadarminto, 1990).

2.    Media gambar adalah alat bantu yang digunakan sebagai penyampai pesan atau informasi terhadap bahan ajar.

3.    Prestasi belajar IPA-Biologi adalah pencapaian pengajaran yang diperoleh peserta didik sebagai tujuan pengajaran.


D. Populasi dan Sampel

Untuk memperoleh data yang diperlukan dalam penelitian ini, akan diperlukan obyek penelitian secara keseluruhan yang disebut populasi.

Suharsimi Arikunto (1992: 102) mendefinisikan populasi sebagai berikut: Populasi adalah keseluruhan obyek penelitian. Apabila seorang meneliti semua elemen yang ada di dalam penelitian, maka penelitiannya disebut atau merupakan penelitian populasi. Studi atau penelitiannya disebut populasi atau studi sensus.

Populasi juga mengandung arti adalah sekumpulan penduduk yang dimaksudkan untuk diteliti/ diselidiki disebut populasi atau universum populasi dibatasi sebagai sejumlah atau individu yang paling sedikit sifat yang sama (Hadi: 220).

Berangkat dari pengertian di atas, maka populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa SD *yang berjumlah kurang lebih 315 siswa terdiri 7 kelas (kelas 1 terdiri 2 kelas, sedang kelas 2 – 6 masing-masing 1 kelas).

Adapun sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah kelas V dan kelas VI yang terambil secara teknik cluster random sampling.


E. Instrumen Penelitian

Dalam penelitian ini instrumen yang digunakan sebagai pengumpul data adalah test. Namun demikian, pedoman wawancara kadangkala digunakan untuk mengetahui tanggapan para guru terhadap metode penggunaan media gambar. Dalam pelaksanaan penelitian ini dilakukan setelah proses belajar mengajar berlangsung, baik terhadap kelompok perlakuan maupun terhadap kelompok kontrol.


F. Prosedur Pengumpulan Data

Dalam penelitian ini pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui tahapan kerja :

1.    Persiapan test

Persiapan test dilakukan setelah proses belajar mengajar dengan menggunakan media gambar telah dilakukan. Kemudian disusunlah soal-soal untuk mengetahui hasil yang diperoleh. Disamping itu, dibuatkan pula pedoman wawancara yang dipersiapkan memperoleh informasi secara langsung dan spontan dari guru maupun siswa.

2.    Pelaksanaan test

Dalam pelaksanaan test sedapat mungkin diciptakan kondisi dimana test dapat berlangsung dengan baik. Pengawasan yang ketat dilakukan hal ini dimaksudkan agar hasil yang diperoleh setiap siswa betul karena pelaku proses belajar mengajar dengan media gambar, bukan dengan buka buku atau menyontek.

3.    Wawancara

Dalam penelitian ini, selain menggunakan test tertulis juga digunakan pedoman wawancara yang tujuannya untuk mengetahui efektivitas penggunaan media gambar oleh guru, juga mengetahui jawaban para siswa secara spontan, sehingga data lebih valid dan dapat dipercaya bila dibanding melalui test tertulis yang dapat dispekulasi oleh siswa.



4.    Pendataan

Pendataan yang dimaksud adalah pemeriksaan hasil pekerjaan siswa yang disesuaikan dengan kunci jawaban, dimana skor yang diperoleh siswa merupakan gambaran prestasi belajar mereka khususnya pada bidang studi IPA-Biologi.


G. Teknik Analisis Data

Untuk mencapai tujuan penelitian, maka data yang telah terkumpul diolah dengan cara analisis data, dengan menggunakan beberapa metode, sebagai berikut:

1. Induktif, yaitu suatu cara berpikir dengan jalan memecahkan persoalan dengan berpijak dari hal-hal yang bersifat khusus, kemudian menarik kesimpulan yang bersifat umum.

2. Deduktif, yaitu suatu metode yang digunakan dengan berpedoman pada hal-hal yang bersifat umum, kemudian memperoleh kesimpulan yang bersifat khusus.

3. Komparatif, yaitu mengadakan perbandingan dengan pokok masalah kemudian menarik kesimpulan.

Disamping menggunakan metode pengolahan data tersebut di atas, data yang telah terkumpul dalam penelitian ini juga diolah secara kuantitatif dan dianalisis dengan teknik analisis varian satu faktor.

Didalam pengujian analisis ini, digunakan statistik chi-kuadrat 1 pihak dengan rumus :


READ MORE - Skripsi Ipa Pendidikan Biologi BAB III a.k.a. Contoh Artikel Skrpsi Tentang Biologi

Skripsi Pendidikan IPA Biologi BAB II




A. Pengertian Media

Dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat terdapat ciri utama yakni adanya hubungan diantara anggotanya. Hubungan itu berlangsung sedemikian rupa, sehingga terjadi proses saling mempengaruhi. Dengan kata lain antara anggota kelompok terdapat hubungan yang disebut komunikasi interaksi. Melalui berbagai bentuk komunikasi maka kelompok-kelompok masyarakat melakukan banyak kegiatan atau tingkah laku sosial sehingga tercapai tujuan-tujuan bersama.

Bentuk komunikasi itu berlaku di dalam semua bentuk hubungan sosial, baik di sekolah maupun di dalam pergaulan masyarakat yang lebih luas dan di dalam bentuk-bentuk masyarakat dengan struktur dan fungsinya masing-masing. Di sekolah berlangsung hubungan komunikasi interaksi antara para siswa dan guru.

Untuk mencapai maksud dan tujuannya, bentuk-bentuk organisasi masyarakat itu, perlu peningkatan efisiensi dan efektivitasnya. Peningkatan efisiensi dan efektivitas tersebut sebagian bergantung kepada faktor penunjang, yakni sarana dan prasarana. Dengan perkataan lain, hubungan komunikasi interaksi itu akan berjalan dengan lancar dan mendapat hasil yang maksimal. Apabila organisasi itu berjalan dan menggunakan alat bantu, alat bantu itulah yang disebut dengan media.

Bertitik tolak dar alat bantu (media) itu dapat dipahami bahwa, media dalam hubungannya dengan komunikasi interaksi suatu organisasi sangat menentukan. Namun yang masih perlu kejelasan adalah, apa yang dimaksud dengan media.

Media berasal dari bahasa Latin dan merupakan bentuk jamak dari kata medium yang secara harfiah berarti perantara atau pengantar. Jadi dapat dipahami bahwa media adalah perantara atau pengantar dari pengirim ke penerima pesan.

Selanjutnya akan diuraikan pengertian media menurut istilah. Para ahli di dalam memberikan batasan media berbeda-beda pendapat, tetapi arah dan tujuannya sama, yang tidak lepas dari kata medium.

Menurut Santoso S. Hamidjojo dalam Amir Achsin (1980), media adalah semua bentuk perantara yang dipakai orang menyebar ide, sehingga ide atau gagasan itu sampai pada penerima.

Sedangkan Assosiasi Teknologi dan Komunikasi (Association of Education and Communication Technology/ AECT) di Amerika memberi batasan yaitu: Media sebagai segala bentuk dan saluran yang digunakan orang untuk menyalurkan pesan/ informasi. Gagne (1970) menyatakan bahwa media adalah berbagai jenis komponen dalam lingkungan siswa yang dapat merangsang untuk belajar. Sementara Bringgs (1970) berpendapat bahwa media adalah segala alat fisik yang dapat menyajikan pesan serta merangsang siswa untuk belajar buku, film, kaset adalah contoh-contohnya.

Selanjutnya Mc. Luhan dalam Arif S. Sadiman (1984) berpendapat bahwa media adalah sarana yang juga disebut channel, karena pada hakekatnya media memperluas atau memperpanjang kemampuan manusia untuk merasakan, mendengarkan, dan melihat dalam batas-batas jarak, ruang, dan waktu yang hampir tak terbatas lagi.

Dalam kaitannya dengan komunikasi interaksi dalam bentuk organisasi Dr. Oemar Hamalik (1994) berpendapat bahwa media komunikasi adalah suatu media atau alat bantu yang digunakan oleh suatu organisasi untuk mencapai efisiensi dan efektivitas kerja dengan hasil yang maksimal.

Dalam dunia pendidikan kita mengenal peragaan atau keperagaan. Ada yang lebih senang menggunakan istilah peragaan. Tetapi ada pula yang senang yang menggunakan istilah komunikasi peragaan. Dewasa ini telah mulai dipopulerkan istilah baru yakni "Media pendidikan".

Beragamnya istilah tersebut, yang mempunyai tekanan sendiri-sendiri, maka akan lebih baik di salah satu diantaranya yaitu "Media pendidikan". Media pendidikan sebagai alat bantu memiliki ciri-ciri:

1.    Media pendidikan identik artinya dengan pengertiankeparagaan yang berasal dari kata raga, suatu benda yang dapat diraba, dilihat, didengar, dan dapat diamati.

2.    Tekanan utama terdapat pada benda atau hal-hal yang bisa dilihat dan didengar.

3.    Media pendidikan digunakan dalam rangka hubungan (komunikasi) dalam pengajaran, antara guru dengan siswa.

4.    Media pendidikan sebagai alat bantu belajar mengajar, baik diluar kelas.

5.    Berdasarkan (3) dan (4), maka pada dasarnya media pendidikan merupakan suatu "perantara" (medium, media) dan digunakan dalam rangka pendidikan.

6.    Media pendidikan mengandung aspek; sebagai alat dan sebagai teknik, yang sangat erat pertaliannya dengan metode mengajar.

7.    Karena itu, sebagai tindakan operasional, dalam tulisan ini kita menggunakan pengertian "media pendidikan"

Berdasarkan dari ciri-ciri umum media pendidikan tersebut, Dr. Oemar Hamlik (1994) memberi batasan media pendidikan adalah alat, metode dan teknik digunakan dalam rangka mengaktifkan komunikasi dan interaksi antar guru dan siswa dalam prose pendidikan dan pengajaran disekolah".

Dari pengertian media serta batasan-batasan yang dikemukakan oleh para ahli di atas, terdapat beberapa persamaan diantaranya, bahwa media adalah segala sesuatu yang dapat digunakan untuk menyalurkan pesan dari pengirim ke sehingga dapat merangsang fikiran, perasaan, perhatian dan minat perhatian siswa sedemikian rupa sehingga proses belajar terjadi.


B. Media Gambar

Berikut ini akan dipaparkan beberapa uraian berkaitan dengan pemahaman terhadap media gambar yang merupakan salah satu fokus dalam penelitian. Dewasa ini gambar fotografi secara luas dapat diperoleh dari berbagai sumber, misanya dari surat-surat kabar, majalah-majalah, brosur-brosur dan buku-buku. Gambar, lukisan, kartun, ilustrasi dan foto yang diperoleh dari berbagai sumber tersebut dapat dipergunakan oleh guru secara efektif dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar.

Gambar pada dasarnya membantu mendorong para siswa dan dapat membangkitkan minatnya pada pelajaran. Membantu mereka dalam kemampuan berbahasa, kegiatan seni, dan pernyataan kreatif dalam bercerita, dramatisasi, bacaan, penulisan, melukis dan menggambar serta membantu mereka menafsirkan dan mengingat-ingat isi materi bacaan dari buku teks (Arif S. Sadiman, 1984).

Gambar fotografi merupakan salah satu media pengajaran yang amat dikenal di dalam setiap kegiatan pengajaran hal ini disebabkan kesederhanaannya, tanpa memerlukan perlengkapan dan tidak diproyeksikan untuk mengamatinya. Media gambar termasuk kepda gambar tetap atau still picture yang terdiri dari dua kelompok, yaitu: pertama flat opaque picture atau gambar datar tidak tembus pandang, misalnya gambar fotografi, gambar dan lukisan cetak. Kedua adalah transparent picture atau gambar tembus pandang, misalnya film slides, film strips dan transparancies.

Namun yang termasuk media gambar, penulis maksudkan dalam pembahasan skripsi ini yang terdapat pada kelompok pertama yakni Flat opeque picture, karena gambar datar tidak tembus pandang ini mudah pengadaannya serta biasanya relatif murah. Jadi media gambar adalah media yang dipergunakan untuk memvisualisasikan atau menyalurkan pesan dari sumber ke penerima (siswa). Pesan yang akan disampaikan dituangkan ke dalam komunikasi visual, di samping itu media gambar berfungsi pula untuk menarik perhatian, memperjelas sajian ide, mengilustrasikan atau menghiasi fakta yang mungkin akan cepat dilupakan atau diabaikan bila tidak digrafiskan.


C. Pemanfaatan Media Gambar Data Proses Belajar Mengajar

Di antara media pendidikan, gambar/ foto adalah media paling umum dipakai. Dia merupakan bahasa yang umum, yang dapat dimengerti dan dinikmati di mana-mana. Oleh karena itu ada pepatah Cina mengatakan bahwa sebuah gambar berbicara lebih banyak dari pada seribu kata.

Gambar ilustrasi fotografi adalah gambar yang tidak dapat diproyeksikan, dapat dipergunakan, baik dalam lingkungan anak-anak maupun dalam lingkungan orang dewasa. Gambar yang berwarna umumnya menarik perhatian. Semua gambar mempunyai arti, uraian dan tafsiran sendiri. Karena itu gambar dapat dipergunakan sebagai media pendidikan dan mempunyai nilai-nilai pendidikan bagi peserta didik yang memungkinkan belajar secara efisien peserta didik yang berkaitan dengan pemanfaatan media gambar dalam data PBM beberapa ahli membekas rambu yang perlu diperhatikan yaitu :

1.    Prinsip-prinsip pemakaian media gambar.

Beberapa prinsip yang perlu diperhatikan antara lain:

a.    Pergunakanlah gambar untuk tujuan-tujuan pengajaran yang spesifik, yaitu dengan cara memilih gambar tertentu yang akan mendukung penjelasan inti pelajaran atau pokok-pokok pelajaran. Tujuan khusus itulah yang mengarahkan minat siswa kepada pokok-pokok pelajaran. Bilamana tujuan instruksional yang ingin dicapainya adalah kemampuan siswa membandingkan kelompok hewan bertulang belakang dengan tidak, maka gambar-gambarnya harus memperhatikan perbedaan yang mencolok.

b.    Padukan gambar-gambar kepada pelajaran, sebab keefektivan pemakaian gambar-gambar di dalam proses belajar mengajar memerlukan keterpaduan. Bilamana gambar-gambar itu akan dipakai semuanya, perlu dipikirkan kemungkinan dalam kaitan pokok-pokok pelajaran. Pameran gambar di papan pengumuman pada umumnya mempunyai nilai kesan sama seperti di dalam ruang kelas. Gambar-gambar yang ril sangat berfaedah untuk suatu mata pelajaran, karena maknanya akan membantu pemahaman para siswa dan cara itu akan ditiru untuk hal-hal yang sama dikemudian hari.

c.    Pergunakanlah gambar-gambar itu sedikit saja, daripada menggunakan banyak gambar tetapi tidak efektif. Hematlah penggunaan gambar yang mendukung makna. Jumlah gambar yang sedikit tetapi selektif, lebih baik daripada dua kali mempertunjukkan gambar yang serabutan tanpa pilih-pilih. Banyaknya ilustrasi gambar-gambr secara berlebihan, akan mengakibatkan para siswa merasa dirongrong oleh sekelompok gambar yang mengikat mereka, akan tetapi tidak menghasilkan kesan atau inpresi visual yang jelas, jadi yang terpenting adalah pemusatan Perhatian pada gagasan utama. Sekali gagasan dibentuk dengan baik, ilustrasi tambahan bisa berfaedah memperbesar konsep-konsep permulaan. Penyajian gambar hendaknya dilakukan secara bertahap, dimulai dengan memperagakan konsep-konsep pokok artinya apa yang terpenting dari pelajaran itu. Lalu diperhatikan gambar yang menyertainya, lingkungannya, dan lain-lain berturut-turut secara lengkap.

d.    Kurangilah penambahan kata-kata pada gambar oleh karena gambar-gambar itu sangat penting dalam mengembangkan kata-kata atau cerita, atau dalam menyajikan gagasan baru. Misalnya dalam mata pelajaran biologi. Para siswa mengamati gambar-gambar candi gaya Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur menjelaskan bahwa mengapa bentuk tidak sama, apa ciri-ciri membedakan satu sama lain. Guru bisa saja tidak bisa mudah dipahami oleh para siswa yang bertempat tinggal di lingkungan hutan tropis asing. Demikian pula istilah supermarket terdengar asing bagi siswa-siswa yang hidup si kampung. Melalui gambar itulah mereka akan memperoleh kejelasan tentang istilah Verbal

e.    Mendorong pernyataan yang kreatif, melalui gambar-gambar para siswa akan didorong untuk mengembangkan keterampilan berbahasa lisan dan tulisan, seni grafis dan bentuk-bentuk kegiatan lainnya. Keterampilan jenis keterbacaan visual dalam hal ini sangat diperlukan bagi para siswa dalam membaca gambar-gambar itu.

f.    Mengevaluasi kemajuan kelas, bisa juga dengan memanfaatkan gambar baik secara umum maupun secara khusus. Jadi guru bisa mempergunakan gambar datar, slides atau transparan untuk melakukan evaluasi belajar bagi para siswa. Pemakaian instrumen tes secara bervariasi akan sangat baik dilakukan guru, dalam upaya memperoleh hasil tes yang komprehensip serta menyeluruh.

2.        Memilih gambar yang baik dalam pengajaran

Dalam pemilihan gambar yang baik untuk kegiatan pengajaran terdapat beberapa kriteria yang perlu diperhatikan antara lain:

a.    Keaslian gambar. Gambar menunjukkan situasi yang sebenarnya, seperti melihat keadaan atau benda yang sesungguhnya. Kekeliruan dalam hal ini akan memberikan pengaruh yang tak diharapkan gambar yang palsu dikatakan asli.

b.    Kesederhanaan. Gambar itu sederhana dalam warna, menimbulkan kesan tertentu, mempunyai nilai estetis secara murni dan mengandung nilai praktis. Jangan sampai peserta didik menjadi bingung dan tidak tertarik pada gambar.

c.    Bentuk item. Hendaknya sipengamat dapat memperoleh tanggapan yang tetap tentang obyek-obyek dalam gambar.

d.    Perbuatan. Gambar hendaknya hal sedang melakukan perbuatan. Siswa akan lebih tertarik dan akan lebih memahami gambar-gambar yang sedang bergerak.

e.    Fotografi. Siswa dapat lebih tertarik kepada gambar yang nilai fotografinya rendah, yang dikerjakan secara tidak profesional seperti terlalu terang atau gelap. Gambar yang bagus belum tentu menarik dan efektif bagi pengajaran.

f. Artistik. Segi artistik pada umumnya dapat mempengaruhi nilai gambar. Penggunaan gambar tentu saja disesuaikan dengan tujuan yang hendak dicapai

Kriteria-kriteria memilih gambar seperti yang telah dikemukakan di atas juga berfungsi untuk menilai apakah suatu gambar efektif atau tidak untuk digunakan dalam pengajaran. Gambar yang tidak memenuhi kriteria tidak dapat digunakan sebagai media dalam mengajar.

3. Menggunakan gambar dalam kelas

Penggunaan gambar secara efektif disesuaikan dengan tingkatan anak, baik dalam hal besarnya gambar, detai, warna dan latar belakang untuk penafsiran. Dijadikan alat untuk pengalaman kreatif, memperkaya fakta, dan memperbaiki kekurang jelasan. Akan tetapi gambar juga menjadi tidak efektif, apabila terlalu sering digunakan dalam waktu yang tidak lama. Gambar sebaiknya disusun menurut urutan tertentu dan dihubungkan dengan masalah yang luas.

Gambar dapat digunakan untuk suatu tujuan tertentu seperti pengajaran yang dapat memberikan pengalaman dasar. Mempelajari gambar sendiri dalam kegiatan pengajaran dapat dilakukan cara, menulis pertanyaan tentang gambar, menulis cerita, mencari gambar-gambar yang sama, dan menggunakan gambar untuk mendemonstrasikan suatu obyek.

Pengajaran dalam kelas dengan gambar sedapat mungkin penyajiannya efektif. Gambar-gambar yang digunakan merupakan gambar yang terpilih, besar, dapat dilihat oleh semua peserta didik, bisa ditempel, digantung atau diproyeksikan. Display gambar-gambar dapat ditempel pada papan buletin, menjadikan ruangan menarik, memotivasi siswa, meningkatkan minat, perhatian, dan menambah pengetahuan siswa.

4. Mengajar siswa membaca gambar

Terdapat beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam mengajar siswa membaca gambar:

a.    Warna. Siswa sangat tertarik pada gambar-gambar berwarna. Umumnya pada mulanya mereka mengamati warna sebelum mereka mengetahui nama warna, barulah ia tafsirkan. Pada umumnya mereka memilikji kriteria tersendiri tentang kombinasi warna-warna. Melatih menanggapi, membedakan, dan menafsirkan warna perlu dilakukan guru terhadap para siswa.

b.    Ukuran. Dapat dibandingkan mana yang lebih besar antara seekor ayam dengan seekor sapi, mana yang lebih tinggi antara seorang manusia dengan gereja, dan sebagainya.

c.    Jarak. Maksudnya agar anak dapat mengira-ngira jarak antara suatu obyek dengan obyek lainnya dalam suatu gambar, misalnya jarak antara puncak gunung latar belakangnya.

d.    Sesuatu gambar dapat menunjukkan suatu gerakan. Mobil yang sedang diparkir yang nampak dalam sebuah gambar, dalam gambar terdapat sebuah simbol-simbol gerakan.

e.    Temperatur. Bermaksud anak memperoleh kesan apakah di dalam gambar temperaturnya dingin atau panas. Bandingkan gambar yang menunjukkan musim salju dan gambar orang-orang yang berada dalam keadaan membuka pakaian. Maka dapat dibedakan temperatur rendah dan keadaan panas.

Beberapa kelebihan yang lain dari media gambar adalah :

-    Sifatnya konkrit. Gambar/ foto lebih realistis menunjukkan pokok masalah dibanding dengan media verbal semata.

-    Gambar dapat mengatasai masalah batasan ruang dan waktu. Tidak semua benda, objek atau peristiwa dapat dibawa ke kelas, dan tidak selalu bisa, anak-anak dibawa ke objek tersebut. Untuk itu gambar atau foto dapat mengatasinya. Air terjun niagara atau danau toba dapat disajikan ke kelas lewat gambar atau foto. Peristiwa-peristiwa yang terjadi di masa lampau, kemarin atau bahkan menit yang lalu kadang-kadang tak dapat dilihat seperti apa adanya. Gambar atau foto sangat bermanfaat dalam hal ini.

-    Media gambar dapat mengatasi keterbatasan pengamatan kita. Sel atau penampang daun yang tak mungkin kita lihat dengan mata telanjang dapat disajikan dengan jelas dalam bentuk gambar.

-    Dapat memperjelas suatu masalah, dalam bidang apa saja dan untuk tingkat usia beberapa saja, sehingga dapat mencegah atau membetulkan kesalah pahaman.

-    Murah harganya, mudah didapat, mudah digunakan, tanpa memerlukan peralatan yang khusus.

Selain kelebihan-kelebihan tersebut gambar atau foto mempunyai beberapa kelemahan yaitu :

-    Gambar atau foto hanya menekankan presepsi indra mata.

-    Gambar atau foto benda yang terlalu kompleks kurang efektif untuk kegiatan pembelajaran.

-    Ukuran sangat terbatas untuk kelompok besar.


D. Prestasi Belajar Biologi

    1.     Pengertian Prestasi Belajar Biologi

Kata prestasi berasal dari bahasa Belanda "pretitie" yang artinya apa yang telah diciptakan atau hasil pekerjaan. Dalam ekonomi perhitungan yang dimaksudkan dengan prestasi adalah produk yang telah dicapai seseorang atau daya kerja seseorang dalam jangka waktu tertentu.

Sedangkan belajar adalah merupakan aktivitas yang menghasilkan perubahan pada diri seseorang yang belajar, baik aktual maupun potensial, perubahan-perubahan mana pada pokoknya adalah didapatkannya kemampuan baru yang bertahap dalam waktu relatif lama, dimana perubagahn tersebut terjadi karena adanya usaha pada individu yang belajar. (Slameto, 1988).

Jadi prestasi belajar siswa merupakan keberhasilan siswa yang peroleh dari hasil belajarnya. Di dalam kamus berbahasa inggris prestasi belajar diistilahkan dengan : Achievement, learning achievement dan academic achievement. Oleh Norman L. Munn mengartikan achievement adalah present of past level performance dan J.B Carrol mengartikan achievement defined of learn the tesk.

Oleh karena prestasi belajar merupakan suatu ukuran berhasil tidaknya seseorang setelah menempuh pelajaran di suatu sekolah, dan untuk mengetahui tingkat keberhasilannya maka akan dilakukan penilaian atau pengukuran berupa tes.

R.S. Wood Worth dan D.G Muguis dalam Ambo Enre Abdullah (1979) mengemukakan bahwa "Prestasi belajar adalah kecakapan nyata yang dapat diukur langsung dengan suatu alat dalam hal ini tes". "Prestasi belajar adalah hasil yang dicapai murid dalam suatu mata pelajaran tertentu dengan menggunakan tes standar sebagai alat pengukur keberhasilan seorang siswa".

Berdasarkan pengertian prestasi di atas, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa yang dimaksudkan prestasi belajar Biologi dalam penelitian, adalah kemampuan-kemampuan tentang Biologi yang telah dimiliki oleh siswa-siswa SD * yang bersifat konkretif setelah siswa selesai belajar biologi yang meliputi : ingatan, pemahaman, penerapan, analisa dan sintesis.

    2. Faktor yang mempengaruhi PBM dan prestasi belajar Biologi

Adapun faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi prestasi belajar dapat ditinjau dari dalam diri siswa dan dari luar diri siswa yang berbentuk interaksi timbal balik antar keduanya.


a.    Faktor-faktor dari dalam diri siswa

Siswa yang melaksanakan proses belajar, dapat diperiksa hasil-hasilnya melalui perubahan-perubahan yang terjadi pada diri siswa. (Abdurrahman, 1993). Hal ini dapat diketahui antara lain dengan membandingkan tingkat penguasaan siswa antara sebelum dan sesudah terjadi proses belajar.

Faktor utama yang terdapat pada diri siswa ialah faktor fisik atau jasmani dan faktor psikis. Faktor fisik meliputi keadaan jasmani dan panca indera, sedang psikis meliputi, minat, intelegensi, bakat, motif dan sebagainya.

b.    Faktor dari luar diri siswa

Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi proses belajar siswa dari ketiga lingkungan belajar yaitu, lingkungan keluarga, lingkungan sekolah, dan lingkungan masyarakat. Dimana lingkungan keluarga meliputi; cara orang tua mendidik, relasi antar keluarga, suasana keluarga, dan keadaan ekonomi keluarga. Sedangkan lingkungan sekolah meliputi; metode mengajar, kurikulum, hubungan guru dengan siswa dan sebagainya. Adapun lingkungan masyarakat meliputi; kegiatan siswa dalam masyarakat, mass media, tempat bergaul, bentuk kehidupan masyarakat dan sebagainya.


READ MORE - Skripsi Pendidikan IPA Biologi BAB II

Skripsi Pendidikan Ipa BIOLOGI Bab I





A. Latar Belakang Masalah

Pembangunan di bidang pendidikan sebagai salah satu bagian dari pembangunan Nasional, perlu diwujudkan guna peningkatan dan kemajuan sektor pendidikan. Merosotnya kualitas pendidikan banyak mendapat sorotan dari masyarakat, peserta lulusan kependidikan, para pendidik dan pemerintah. Oleh karena itu pemerintah berupaya semaksimal mungkin mengadakan perbaikan dan penyempurnaan di bidang pendidikan. Sebagai langkah antisipasi, maka pendidikan banyak diarahkan pada penataan proses belajar, penggunaan dan pemilihan media belajar secara tepat. Kesemuanya dimaksudkan untuk pencapaian hasil belajar semaksimal mungkin.

Belajar adalah suatu proses yang kompleks yang terjadi pada semua orang dan berlangsung seumur hidup. Salah satu pertanda bahwa seorang telah belajar suatu adalah perubahan tingkah laku dalam dirinya. Perubahan tingkah laku tersebut menyangkut baik perubahan yang bersifat pengetahuan (kognitif) dan keterampilan (psikomotor) maupun yang menyangkut nilai dan sikap (apektif).

Perubahan tersebut hendaknya terjadi sebagai akibat interaksi dengan lingkungannya melalui proses belajar mengajar. Dimana guru berikan satu-satunya sumber belajar, walaupun tugas, peranan dan fungsinya dalam proses belajar menagajar sangatlah penting.

Melihat sedemikian kompleksnya masalah proses belajar mengajar dan peran guru, maka dalam pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, khususnya dalam proses belajr mengajar perlu dikembangkan iklim kandusif yang dapat menumbuhkan sikap dan prilaku belajar secara wajar. Untuk itu pembelajaran dengan menggunakan media, khususnya media gambar dapat dijadikan sebagai salah satu alternatif untuk hal tersebut.


B. Rumusan Masalah

Berdasarkan dari latar belakang masalah tersebut di atas, maka dapat dirumuskan masalah "Apakah ada pengaruh penggunaan media gambar terhadap prestasi belajar IPA-Biologi siswa SD Inpres * *.


C. Tujuan Penelitian

Berdasar dari rumusan masalah di atas, maka penelitian ini diarahkan untuk mengungkap apakah ada pengaruh penggunaan media gambar terhadap prestasi belajar IPA-Biologi siswa SD Inpres * *.


D. Manfaat Penelitian

Dalam penelitian ini terdapat beberapa manfaat yang diharapkan penulis setelah penelitian dilaksanakan.

1.    Sebagai bahan informasi tentang pengaruh penggunaan media gambar terhadap prestasi belajar IPA-Biologi siswa SD Inpres * *.

2.    Sebagai bahan masukan untuk guru; untuk dipertimbangkan dalam pemilihan media sebelum pelaksanaan proses belajar mengajar. Oleh karena hasil penelitian ini merupakan bukti secara ilmiah.

3.    Hasil penelitian ini sedapat mungkin menjadi alasan rekomendasi untuk menggunakan media gambar dalam proses belajar mengajar.

E. Hipotesis

Untuk pemberian arah yang jelas terhadap kesimpulan yang diperoleh, maka dirumuskan hipotesis yaitu "Ada pengaruh penggunaan media gambar prestasi belajar IPA-Biologi siswa SD Inpres * *".

READ MORE - Skripsi Pendidikan Ipa BIOLOGI Bab I

Pengertian Peta

Pengertian  Peta

Menurut ICA (International Cartographic Association)
Peta merupakan gambaran atau representasi unsur-unsur ketampakan abstrak yang dipilih dari permukaan bumi yang ada kaitannya dengan permukaan bumi atau benda-benda angkasa, yang pada umumnya digambarkan pada suatu bidang datar dan diperkecil/diskalakan.

Menurut Aryono Prihandito (1988)
Peta adalah gambaran permukaan bumi
READ MORE - Pengertian Peta

Teens and Credit #7 - College Loans

Paying for college can be confusing, not because of what you will owe, but because there are so many ways to pay for it. The average teenager or adult can get a head ache just from trying to sort out the options that are available between government aid, government loans, student loans, and possible scholarships that could pay some, most of all of your expenses. Then there are the expenses to take into consideration, not just for classes but for books, lab fees, food, if you are living on campus you need to worry about that as well.

Knowing what you will need to pay for when you go to college is very important; in fact it can be a key influence on your financial status when you graduate. Being smart about it and making plans now can help you be debt free when you leave school, only owing some money, or owing a lot of money. While many college loans offer low interest rates, some of them are harder to pay off than others. The key thing to remember is not to rush any decisions. The average college student has at least ten different and possible ways to pay for school. If you don't know what all ten are you may need to do some more homework. For many potential students, there might only be two or three options that make sense.

Some good news is that no matter what type of loan you go with, making your payments on time is a great way to build your credit. Your score is based on several things including how much you owe, are you making payments on time, and are you paying the minimum or more. If you have a poor score you can look into credit repair to fix it fast. Credit repair is a fast, simple and effective process that can get the job done in a matter of weeks.

READ MORE - Teens and Credit #7 - College Loans

How To Choose The Best MBA Program For You in USA

With the rising popularity of an MBA degree as one of the best post graduate courses worldwide, there are now practically thousands of business schools and an equal number of MBA programs available to those who wish to obtain an MBA degree. With such a huge and diversified choice, it becomes very difficult to know which program is right for you. Choosing an MBA course that serves your needs best is indeed a tough job. Here are some things to consider when deciding on an MBA program.
1) Your Expectations from the MBA Program
No two MBA programs are absolutely alike and even though they teach you the same basics, they do not offer the same syllabus. So you need to ask yourself:
Does this course give me the experience I am looking for?
Does the syllabus include topics that are relevant to my chosen career?
What electives does the program offer and am I interested in them?
Is the content of the course suited to my needs?
Do I have the required aptitude to successfully finish the course?
Does the program offer practical training and real life experiences as well?
2) Your Physical Circumstances
You need to assess if a particular MBA program is feasible in terms of:
Does the structure suit you?
Whether you can do the full-time two year course or you need a shortened course.
Is the program in your area or will you need to travel daily?
Are the timings of the course suitable for you?
Are you free to join the course on its start date?
3) Financial Considerations
An MBA program is an expensive program and thus you have to consider the financial impact of a particular program on yourself. Ask yourself:
Can I afford the program fees?
Will the living expenses, travel costs, and other expenses involved in the particular program put an immense financial burden on me?
Will I have to borrow a loan to cover the costs and do I even want to?
If I do take a loan, will I be able to bear the interest on the loan and how long will it be before I can repay it?
4) Impact on Your Lifestyle
Will I be able to balance work and studying?
Will I have to give up my job?
How will a particular course affect my family life?
Once you have asked yourself the above questions in relation to the different MBA programs that may interest you, you can determine which of those programs is best for you and positively addresses all the above areas in which an MBA program can impact you.
Most people want to go in for an MBA program that is offered by the top A grade business schools and which have the highest ratings. If given a chance to enroll in such a program, they jump at it without considering how it can affect them, and later have to live with the consequences. Although an education from the top business schools cannot be compared to other programs, you have to decide which course is best for you according to the above guidelines.
If you choose to enroll into an MBA program just because it is THE best one available, but are unable to stay with the program or complete the course, then even the best of programs will not do you any good. So determine which program is best for YOU and then make the most of it.
READ MORE - How To Choose The Best MBA Program For You in USA

Independence University - California College for Health Sciences in USA

The Independence University – California College for Health Sciences is a reputable and accredited learning establishment that offers a range of courses to help those looking to further their career through advancement of their education. This university offers a range of educational opportunities in areas such as health education, early childhood education, and business. You can enjoy earning qualifications such as certificates, diplomas, Associate’s Degrees, Bachelor’s Degrees, and Master’s Degrees when you study though this university.
When you study with the Independence University – California College for Health Sciences you can look forward to an enriching, satisfying, and rewarding educational experience that will enable you to develop and build upon your skills and knowledge in these areas, and work towards reaping the rewards in terms of a successful and high flying career. Armed with these qualifications you can prove to potential employers that you have the confidence and skills to perform well in your chosen area.
There are many people that want to enter into a career in this area as well as many people already working in this field and wishing to improve their chances of promotion. However, in the past it has not always been possible to get the required qualifications and skills required simply because these people were unable to commit themselves to a campus based education on a full time basis. The Independence University – California College for Health Sciences offers a practical and convenient solution.
With the Independence University – California College for Health Sciences, you can enjoy studying for your qualifications online, which means that you study in your own time and at your own pace, without having to worry about a full time commitment to your education or getting to and from a campus based college. Instead, you can continue with your current commitments, whilst still enjoying the benefits of an improved education by fitting your studies in with your current commitments and lifestyle.
READ MORE - Independence University - California College for Health Sciences in USA

National College of Business and Technology in USA

Whether you want to enjoy a high flying and rewarding career in the private or public business environment, an MBA at the National College of Business and Technology could prove the ideal choice to help you along your way. This highly reputable, successful, and accredited learning institution offers a high quality education enabling you to gain a valuable degree that can help you to achieve your career goals. With an MBA from the National College of Business and Technology you will gain the skills, knowledge, and expertise you need to stay one step ahead of the competition.
This college focuses on enhancement and development of careers for students, and you can rest assured that the content of your MBA program will be highly relevant and up-to-date to ensure that you have the best chance of promotion or breaking into the area of business you are looking for. This college also has links and established contacts with employers, and therefore has the resources to help students to achieve not only the best qualifications to help them but also to get into their chosen business career.
The MBA program at the National College of Business and Technology helps to provide students with a solid and valuable foundation in order to improve their chances of career success. You can build upon your knowledge, skills, and confidence in your chosen area, and can earn a degree that will show potential employers that you have the necessary qualities and abilities to perform in the business environment with confidence and competence.
READ MORE - National College of Business and Technology in USA

College Prep Planning Pot Pourri

FAFSA (Free Application For Federal Student Aid) is still available to be completed to obtain federal student aid.  Still need some hlep:

Central Oregon Community College will hold a FAFSA assistance workshop on June 2, 2010 form 10:00am-12:00pm.  For more information contact

Navigating the College Admission Process:  A Workshop for Parents Who Want to Help Their Children Make Wise Choices
When:  June 22, 2010
Time:  7:30pm-8:30pm
Cost:  Free
Tolland Public Library, Tolland, CT
For more information, Call 860-871-3620 
READ MORE - College Prep Planning Pot Pourri

What Can I Do to Protect Myself From Unemployment? In USA

Answer: Your best bet is to look at which industries are creating jobs, such as health care, and get training needed to enter that field.The Department of Labor provides the Career Guide to Industries for that purpose. Another useful tool is the Occupational Outlook Handbook which tells how to prepare for specific jobs, such as administration assistants, which go across different industries. If this is not possible, then continual training in your existing field is necessary, or consideration of additional streams of income from extra part-time work or home-based businesses might be worth looking into.
READ MORE - What Can I Do to Protect Myself From Unemployment? In USA

What is Being Done to Control Unemployment? In USA

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Question: What is Being Done to Control Unemployment?
Answer: A certain amount of unemployment is not controllable, since at any given point in time people will be in between jobs. Furthermore, is unemployment is too low, then the economy is considered to be over-heated and inflation is then more of a concern. Therefore, an unemployment rate below 4% is considered full employment.
In fact, a certain amount of unemployment is factored into any attempt to control inflation. Although economists don’t agree on specifics, it is widely accepted that a certain number of jobs must be lost to control each 10th of a percentage point of inflation.
READ MORE - What is Being Done to Control Unemployment? In USA

How Is Unemployment Defined? In USA

Question: How Is Unemployment Defined?
Answer: Unemployment is defined as by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) as people who do not have a job, have actively looked for work in the past four weeks, and are currently available for work. Also, people who were temporarily laid off and are waiting to be called back to that job are counted as unemployed.
READ MORE - How Is Unemployment Defined? In USA

Current U.S. Unemployment Rate In USA

The current unemployment rate has doubled since the recession began in December 2007. It will probably stay between 9.5% - 10% through 2010, even though the recession is over. That's because employers resist hiring new workers until they are absolutely sure the economy will stay strong. For this reason, the unemployment rate is a lagging indicator. Although it is not good for predicting trends, it is useful for confirming trends.
The current unemployment rate is reported monthly in the Employment Report by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Here is a history of the current unemployment rate statistics for every month since March 2007.

READ MORE - Current U.S. Unemployment Rate In USA

Would 0% Unemployment Be a Good Thing in USA

While on the surface it appears that a 0% unemployment rate would be terrific for the citizens of a country, having a small amount of unemployment is actually desirable. To understand why, we need to look at the three types (or causes) of unemployment:
Cyclical Unemployment is defined as occuring "when the unemployment rate moves in the opposite direction as the GDP growth rate. So when GDP growth is small (or negative) unemployment is high." When the economy goes into recession and workers are laid off, we have cyclical unemployment.
Frictional Unemployment: The Economics Glossary defines frictional unemployment as "unemployment that comes from people moving between jobs, careers, and locations." If a person quits his job as an economics researcher to try and find a job in the music industry, we would consider this to be frictional unemployment.
READ MORE - Would 0% Unemployment Be a Good Thing in USA

Finding The Best Student Loan Consolidation Program

Many college graduates come out of school with several loans to pay off. This means that after the six month grace period there will be payments for each of your loans. Each of those loans will have their own interest rate which will make the loans themselves difficult to pay off completely. Finding the best student loan consolidation program can help you pay less each month and put an end date to those student loans as well.

The first priority will be to find the best student loan consolidation program. Each program will have its own perks and its own drawbacks. One of the most important details to the loan consolidation payback will be the interest rate that is charged each month. If you presently have two loans that charge 8% each you should consider the fact that each month you are paying 16% on your entire student loan. That means that you will be paying thousands on top of the thousands that you borrowed. When you consolidate those loans into one you'll want to find the best interest rate which you will only be charged once each month.

When you've found the best interest rate, you'll want to make sure that this loan also has the best terms for payback. In other words, be sure that the date set for the termination of the loan is reasonable. If you say that you'll have your loan paid off in five years, be sure that this is feasible. Of course we can't predict everything that will happen, but you should have a good idea of the amount that you'll be able to afford over time. If ten years is more workable, find the best student loan consolidation program that has a good interest rate and the best payback terms.

A flexible loan payback program can be most helpful. There are those times in everyone's life that money is tight. In those times it may be helpful to put your loan into forbearance. Be sure that the loan you decide to go back is willing to agree on a forbearance or restricted payback amount for a certain period of time while you get your finances back in order.

The loan's interest rate should not be flexible however. The last thing you need is a large increase in your monthly payment because the interest rate fluctuated. Making sure the interest rate is fixed will also ensure that your payment will always be something that you can live with. When you know the payment that you'll have to pay each month you'll find that you can budget effectively.

If possible, make sure there is no penalty for making early payments or for paying the loan off early. If you get a windfall of cash from somewhere, you may want to pay off this student consolidation loan completely, so you want to make sure that is possible.

A consolidation loan can save you thousands. You will pay less each month yet your payment will be more effective. Your loans will have a definite paid date which is not ages into the future. Finding that loan may be easier than you think and certainly worth the trouble.

READ MORE - Finding The Best Student Loan Consolidation Program

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How Does The Internet Work And How Was It Invented?

Internet is built upon a collection of networks that covers the world. These networks contain differnt types of computers, and somehow, something must hold the whole thing togather. That something is TCP/IP. TCP/IP is the common name of over 100 protocols that are used to connect computers and networks. The actual name TCP/IP comes from TCP ( Transmission Control Protocol) and IP ( Internet Protocol ). Within the Internet, data is broken into small packets called fragments. For example, say that you send a long mail on the other side of the country. TCP will divide the message into packets. Each packet is marked with a sequence number. Each host on the Internet is assigned a unique 32-bit (For IP version 4) IP address. Data are carried out in the form of packets which contain source and destination IP addresses. Internet routers maintain a view of the network topology in the form of routing tables. These tables are consulted when making packet routing decisions. The process of routing involves inspecting the destination address contained in the packet and based on the contents of the routing table, determining the next hop router to which the packet should be relayed. Each router along the source and the destination nodes repeat this process until the packet is finally delivered to the destination host.
READ MORE - How Does The Internet Work And How Was It Invented?

Was It Only One Person Who Invented The Internet ?

It may have been a group effort but the credited creator is vinton gray cerf
READ MORE - Was It Only One Person Who Invented The Internet ?

Who Is The First Person Invented Mirror?

The Romans were the first to invent the mirror. In Mesopotamia mirrors coated with copper were manufactured as early as 4000 BC, in Egypt from around 3000 Bc and in China from around 2000 Bc. Metal-coated mirrors were invented in sidon, Lebanon in the 1st century AD. Romans also made mirrors by pouring molten lead over blown glass. The history of mirrors dates back to the time when people used to see their reflection in ponds and lakes. Eventually they came up with the idea of making mirrors out of glass and metals.
READ MORE - Who Is The First Person Invented Mirror?

When Was The First Mirror Invented ?

Actually mirrors have been around since the Middle ages, but they were made of polished metal. Glass backed with a metallic coating replaced the older versions in 13th century Europe and quickly became a must have for the wealthy. Actually, mirrors made in Venice are well known for their workmanship and would be worth a small fortune now, so keep your eyes open when visiting antique shops. You just never know what you might find.
READ MORE - When Was The First Mirror Invented ?

Why Was The Mirror Invented?

To help you look groomed
READ MORE - Why Was The Mirror Invented?

What Do You Do When You Look In The Mirror?

It is a strange phenomena for me, my eyes close right off the bat. No matter how hard I try to pry them open, it just won't happen!
READ MORE - What Do You Do When You Look In The Mirror?

Why Do Girls Like Boys?

It is a law of nature opposites attract....the best to you
READ MORE - Why Do Girls Like Boys?

What Do Boys Want To Do With Girls Alone?

Maybe they want to talk or have sex
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Why Do Girls Get To Like Boys?

That the way we are made its normal believe it or not boys like girls as well
READ MORE - Why Do Girls Get To Like Boys?

Who Are Better Girls Or Boys?

Girls are so much better than boys so girls are better than boys
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What Do Girls Look For In Boys?

Well, this is something that a girl would only be able to answer perfectly, but with all my experiences in store all I can say is that, most of the girls look for a confident guy, who along with his own can easily bare the responsibility of her as well, who can comfort her, protect her whenever needed, who can understand when to hold on and when to let go.... He should be capable of completely understanding the girl at any state of his life, no matter what they both are going through... And above all a true heart is the most important thing that any girl would search for.. And it's not an easy find now-a-days.... Being in love with a girl, whom I'm gonna propose tomorrow meanseverything to me, and Im sure that I have all these things on my side, and that's why I'm confident.... Understanding and thoughtfullness, with a coating of truthfulness and honesty is what I believe a girl looks fo in a guy... Or a woman looks for in a man.... I hope its helpful.....
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Why Do Boys Tease Girls Alot?

Because they like girls and they want them to giggle and blush. They think its cute. But they might just be the joker and make everyone laugh and giggle. It also depends on the type of boy.
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Why Boys Tease?

Speaking as one who used to do the same, its a mechanism boys sometimes use to make contact with a girl they fancy without actually telling her. Most of us are cowards when it comes to showing our feelings, not just to the girl but in front of our mates. The reason is that if a boy did tell you and you rejected him, his mates would tease him even worse. Off course they could be teasing you because they are idiots, but my guess is that one of them fancies you. Just smile and say nothing. Remember, in the caveman days they used to hit them over the head and trail the girl into the cave. So maybe your lucky. Ha ha
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What Are The Best Ways To Make Your Partner Feel Worthy Of Being Loved?

Treat them with love and respect , show them with actions not just words , be proud of who they are and let them know you are , be patient and re-assuring them of your love . Be proud when you take them out . I could go on and on . And I hope they treat you the same way
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What Are The Little Things That One Can Do To Make You Feel Loved?

Remembering all the small stuff that we ever talked about, so that when he mentions it again, it shows me how important my thoughts are to him. Writing me poems to show how much he cares for me. Understands when I am tired and that I am not in the right frame of mind to say too much. Loves me no matter how I look that day. Knows when to be there and when to give me space to work things out for myself. He laughs with me and not at me for all the silly things that I do. Just lets me know how much he loves me by holding my hand.
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How Would You Feel, If The Person You Loved, Only Wanted You For Your Money ?

I would feel fine. It would be worse if he had the money. Dump him and find a new younger model or one with his own money.
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How Can A Daughter Feel Loved By Her Mother?

A daughter feels loved by her mother when she makes a real effort to spend time with her. Even though they have individual ideas...listen to the daughters view points. Advise, don't get angry if you disagree. Small things mean a lot...remember her in small but meaningful ways, a book or magazine she loves to read, go to lunch together and really talk. Show love like you would want to be loved back. ALWAYS be available if you are needed.
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What's It Like To Feel Loved?

We need to experience love to know it. I am sure it is not what you think it is or you wouldn't say that you don't want any. How can you know that, if you have never had any. Love can feel like so many things. It is like coming inside to a warm fire when you are freezing. It is like the excitement of riding on a carnival ride, and being way up in the air. It is like a hundred friends jumping in on your side, when a bully is picking on you. It is like a warm puppy, trying to climb up in your lap. It is like winning the hardest video/computer game for the first time. It is like getting the best test score on a really hard test, and having the teacher say, you are the smartest person I ever met. It is even better than that. Would you be friends with me? I like making new friends, and i think you are pretty cool! That is a very good question.
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If You Could Extend Your Life, Not Necessarily Indefinitely, Would You Do It?

Good morning all! This is an excellent question Robbie! Thanks very much for taking the time to think of and ask it. Well, since I've always planned on being around a realllllly long time - until I'm 150 actually, this possibility may never enter into my realm, God willing. I hear your questions – 'Is she really that optimistic?' or 'Is she really that stupid?' you want to know. Well, not only am I that optimistic, I am also that DETERMINED, and you all know that once a girl is determined you better get the heck out of her way or she'll knock you over and cover you with the dirt from the wheelies she pops with her wheelchair while she's heading into the sunset!!!! LOL Now please don't get too excited, I only use the wheelchair when I have to go any distance, when I tip easily or when it's so hot that I just can't use my leg properly; the rest of the time I use my cane or the walker (again depending on how tipsy I am. CHEERS!!). Please, no tears and no sympathy friends, it's not necessary. All I ask is that you keep me and my family in your thoughts and prayers.
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May God Bless You Today And Always !?

i need your answer
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May God Continue To Bless You?

He has a plan for everything, but when sin entered the world, way back with Adam and Eve, then the whole world was cursed. That brought in pain, disease, suffering, natural disasters, violence etc. It is not His will that this all happens, but He gave us all the gift of free will and choice, and when we choose wrong, there is consequences. These consequences are far reaching. It seems Satan has free reigh of the earth, but it is actually limited.
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Will I Die Tomorrow?

It is so hard to understand God's ways, but the book of Isaiah says, His ways and thoughts are not our own. He has a plan for everything, but when sin entered the world, way back with Adam and Eve, then the whole world was cursed. That brought in pain, disease, suffering, natural disasters, violence etc. It is not His will that this all happens, but He gave us all the gift of free will and choice, and when we choose wrong, there is consequences. These consequences are far reaching. It seems Satan has free reigh of the earth, but it is actually limited.
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Are We Going To Be Sucked Into A Blackhole And All Die Tomorrow?

Okay this rumor is all about the Large Hadron Collider on the French-Swiss border. Today is the first day that it has ever been used (it just successfully did its first experiment about 1 hour ago). By creating hundreds of thousands of head-on collisions each second with this machine, physicists hope to understand the fiery conditions of the universe a trillionth of a second after the big bang. The findings could also help resolve some of the biggest mysteries in physics, such as the existence of one long-hypothesized particle called the Higgs boson—or the "God particle"—thought to be responsible for giving all other particles their mass. Some people are worried that the experiments could also create unwelcome discoveries, such as particles and other exotic phenomena that could swallow up Earth or destroy the universe as we know it. For instance, one possibility is that the collisions will pack matter together so tightly that it may collapse to form miniature black holes, and that is where the rumor is coming from. For more information about this go to
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Why Does God Allow Pain And Suffering To Continue In This World?

He allows us to make our own choices and the choices we make have consequences and it effects everyone. Everything you do or say effects someone and it goes on and on like dominos falling. Why are YOU so sure that God's allowing it ??? Because it could just be the way YOU perceive it. Couldn't it also be the life/God is trying to teach YOU/us lessons, but what we experience. I am an agnostic, and I firmly believe that WE as a species perceive almost everything that goes on as something to do with some "outside force", call it God, or whatever. But we as the dominant species, of this planet, bring it upon ourselves, and only WE can judge whether it's pain and/or suffering. I, myself, prefer to look at it as "lessons", and I try to learn from EACH and EVERY LESSON, life has to give me !!!
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Jonathan Bird's Blue World

Jonathan Bird's Blue World is an Emmy award winning educational program that explores the wonders of the world's oceans.

The program airs on public television, but the website also has webisodes on the site for you to view. They also have an educators' section with study guides for each episode, sea stories and web links. You can even book him to come to your school and do a presentation (for a fee). He is very dynamic and you can see an example of one of his presentations.

Some of the episode topics include: Sharks, whales, airplane graveyard in the sea, tropical fish, manta rays, and much more. There is also a section with videos describing the SCUBA gear that they use when filming and exploring the oceans.

There is also a blog,, where they post information and news.

I found the program to be well done and very interesting and the resources on the site for educators were great. Definitely a great resource for your classroom.

On a side note, I actually went to college with Jonathan at WPI. He was two years ahead of me, but was in a band with a friend of mine. He's a great guy and it's great to see another engineer doing educational work.

some of the episodes:

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Free online learning center

I usually have 6 centers going on in the room plus I select three students each day to use a computer. The students at the computer select a free online math game from our class math page or they are sent to a computer that I have loaded with software that meets their needs.
Each student has a colored dot on their desk. The dot corresponds with a center on the chart. The dots on the students desk stay the same. The center dots change every day so that a student does a different center each day. When the student gets to center on their jobs list. They get their center folder (I have them place all their center sheets in this folder. Periodically, I remove their finished work and check them. About once every two weeks.) After they finish the center and the center sheet, they place the sheet in their center folder. Next they clean up their center and put their center folder away.
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Free Tips to Increase Your Productivity

Get FREE tips, tricks, and timesaving techniques, designed to increase your productivity and expertise with the software applications you use each day—delivered weekly to your email inbox. Each eTip is short, quick, and easy to read. Written by our expert editors, your weekly tips will make you more productive right away. One eTip could save you hours of time and effort, and be just the solution you need! Impress your boss, clients, coworkers, and friends with the software knowledge and technical expertise you'll gain.
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