Lightning bug

It less than two hours until September in these parts--I may have gotten my last sunburn of the year today. Played in the ocean with my adult children, then threw plastic worms at bigmouth bass as the sun set on summer.This is something I originally...
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Law of unintended consequences, again

Two bites on unintended consequences. Neither gets a whole lot of attention, but both involve devices that are easy to grasp: windmills and waterfalls.***Bats occupy a chunk of human imagination. They're spooky-looking, come out at night from spooky...
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Supper science

I have two nieces, fraternal twins, as different as night and day, both wonderful human beings (Hi Karlyn! Hi, Claire!)Leslie and went over to their home tonight to eat. Conversations slid from catching clams to politics to dogs to whatever.During the...
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Creationism and evolution back on the national stage

Teach both. You know, don't be afraid of information....Healthy debate is so important and it's so valuable in our schools. I am a proponent of teaching both. And you know, I say this too as the daughter of a science teacher. Growing up with being so...
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On idleness

Idleness is the enemy of the soul. And therefore, at fixed times, the brothers ought to be occupied in manual labor; and again, at fixed times, in sacred reading. ... there shall certainly be appointed one or two elders, who shall go round the monastery...
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Capitalism and biology class

Last spring I was approached by a very enthusiastic history teacher about collaborating on a short essay questioning whether capitalism can be used to "save" the environment."Capitalism" is one of those words that evoke as much emotion as sense, and...
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Beyond School

I've plugged him before, and I likely will again, but Clay Burrell has a post and a string of comments that gets to the heart of schooliness and education.He blogs like Sandy Koufax pitched, which means he's going to throw quality stuff past you at high...
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KESEWENANG-WENANGAN SENIOR WAKTU OSPEK Setiap tahun ajaran baru, perguruan tinggi negeri akan melaksanakan hajatan besar. Hajatan yang disebut ospek atau P2KK di Untirta itu selalu mengingatkan akan perilaku perploncoan pada...

Google and science

Of the top 20 Science/Technology stories on Google at the moment, only one is about science--Neanderthals may not have been as slow as presumed.What else do we have?Lots of Harleys riding a ferryApple will no longer offer a free Tetris clone at its...
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Dirty fingernails

Last year I focused on presenting science as story-telling within very specific rules. Some kids got a little unnerved when they realized much of what they learned was based on constructs, not direct observation. We can't see electrons--why am I learning...
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Ririn Dwi Aryanti, cantik....

Shy but kills....ssssssssst......sinden tosca !Panjang dan lamaaaa - Ririn Dwi AryantiRirin Dwi Aryanti, a name for the teen for her ultimate appearance. Although she looks a lil skinny but it's ok as she go a very beautiful face, and most of all,...
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William Blake, J. S. Bach, and science

This post is in flux. Every time I read William Blake, my whole universe is in flux.To see a world in a grain of sand,And a heaven in a wild flower,Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,And eternity in an hour.William Blake, opening of Auguries of...
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Terminal velocity of mussels

Yesterday Leslie and I paddled along the edge of Cape May Harbor, again showing our prowess with tide charts by struggling against the ebbing tide on the flip side of our voyage.Because pushing against the tide is tiring, I edged towards the beach and...
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"You're in the money..."

I learned about anticipatory sets in education school a few years back.Whet the appetite, get them engaged, open their minds--a shame we even need to do that, but under the circumstances (compulsory education gets them in your class, not your charm and...
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I was poking around the garden, trying to beat the bugs to the ripening treats. Bugs may not study food chemistry, but they know when something's good.The light's a bit more oblique these days.Late August, harvest time.I got to thinking about what happens...
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What's matter?

I start off my physical science class with the usual introductions, procedures and such, but before the first day is over, I tell them that by the end of the year they won't even know what "stuff" is anymore."Stuff" is as good a definition of matter...
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Doug Johnson pointed the way to the American Library Association's "READ" mini-poster generator.I was temporarily confused by his post, which he amended for those of us still using training wheels.Your tu...

What's life?

We open the year talking about what science means, then roll into the definition of life.This is my third year, which means I'm up for tenure, so advertising this might not be in my best interests, but I am not sure what the words "science" or "life"...
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"Good teachers are the magic in the classroom."

Good teachers are the magic in the classroom.Personal computers aren't magic, they are just a tool. What you need to make the educational process work is a good teacher who is knowledgeable in the subject and can get kids excited.Craig Barrett, Intel...
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Gagging on Google

Yesterday I saw a Google certified teacher emblem on an edublog. My gut stirred. I want one.Today there's an article in our local paper, raving about a teacher who has the new credential "Google Certification," earned by "teachers who gave up part of...
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A Bloomfield menagerie: praying mantis

Praying mantis, Visitors of the Prayerful Sort, taken by Scott Robinson(This is a continuation of the Bloomfield menagerie series, describing various beasties living right here within our borders, easily seen if you pay attention. It's to remind me and...
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